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Chinese businessmen are interested in graduates of the Stavropol State University


Representatives of the delegation of the People's Republic of China met with students of the Agrarian University.

Students of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th courses of the Faculty of Economics (Economics and Management), Accounting and Finance Department (Economics Department), and the Faculty of Technological Management (Zootechniya) on June 30 had an opportunity to talk with Businessmen from China who arrived in the Stavropol region in search of new directions of economic cooperation and are interested in creating agrarian technoparks.

The Chinese side was represented by: the permanent deputy chairman of the Committee for Trade and Economic Development "One belt, one way", the chairman of the Society for the Exchange and Cooperation "Russia - Eastern Europe - Central Asia" of the Chinese People's Association for Research and Development of Traditional Medicine and Pharmaceuticals Ge Zhili and General Director LLC "Portstroy Company" of China State Corporation "China Harbor Engineering Company (CHEC)", engaged in the construction of the ports of Li Tenshun.

During the meeting the guests spoke about the peculiarities of the PRC economy, about the joint Russian-Chinese creation of the New Silk Road on the concept of "One belt and one way". Representatives of business also expressed interest in providing joint ventures and projects with qualified personnel, including graduates of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

During the dialogue, students asked the questions they were interested in: the specifics of doing business in China, the agricultural products produced in the country, and the Chinese higher education. Senior students were offered to send their CVs for further employment to joint Chinese-Russian enterprises. And one of the 4th year students of the direction of training "Economics" Igor Karnaukhov was personally invited by Mr. Ge Zhili to practice at one of such enterprises. During the conversation with the students of the StGAU the representatives of the delegation of the PRC also spoke about the importance of peace between our countries, the development of the idea of ​​the New Silk Road, showing interest in successful cooperation as a whole. 

Дата новости для фото:  03.07.2017 00:01:00
Номер новости для фото:  1

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