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Behind - years of study, ahead - working life!


Girls are in evening dresses, young men are in business suits, they were all students of Accounting and Finance Faculty a couple of days ago, and today most of them will leave the walls of their home University to become graduates.

On July 5th, Stavropol State Academic Drama Theater named after M. Yu. Lermontov hosted a meeting of the Academic Council of the Accounting and Finance Faculty of Stavropol State University dedicated to the solemn presentation of the diplomas of the third graduation of bachelors in the field "Economics" (profiles "Accounting, Analysis and Audit "," Finance and credit "," Taxes and taxation ").

According to the tradition, teachers and employees, parents, relatives and friends of graduates gathered at this holiday. The awarding of diplomas is a significant and long-awaited event in the life of every student!

The inauguration ceremony was opened by the director of the Institute of Additional Professional Education of Stavropol State University of the Stavropol State University, assistant professor Olga Lisova, who congratulated the graduates of 2017 with the successful completion of the educational process.

With the completion of the training and the receipt of diplomas graduates also were congratulated by the dean of the Accounting and Finance Faculty, the head of the department of accounting management, Doctor of Economics, Professor Elena Ivanovna Kostyukova.

The solemn event dedicated to awarding the diploma to graduates of 2017 was attended by guests and strategic partners of the Accounting and Finance Faculty. Among them, Deputy Chairman of the Duma of the Stavropol Territory, member of the Committee of the Duma of the Stavropol Territory on social policy Viktor Lozovoy; Managing Stavropol Branch of PJSC Sberbank Romanenko Roman Vladimirovich; Head of the State Civil Service and Personnel Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory Kamenetskaya Alla Alexandrovna; Chief accountant of the collective farm "Kolkhoz-Plemzavod Kazminsky" of the Kochubeevsky district of the Stavropol Territory Kempf Alexander Yakovlevich, chief accountant of Verkhnedubovskoye JSC and joint-stock company SKH Rodina of Shpakovsky district Rymar Alexander Mikhailovich. The guests congratulated the graduates and wished them great creative success in life.

Accounting and Finance Faculty particularly proud by graduates with "red" diplomas, there are many of them in 2017. Most of the students, whose achievements in the field of science, culture, sports and social activities left a worthy mark in the history of the Faculty and University, besides diplomas, were awarded with letters of thanks.

In their speech, the graduates thanked the Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University, the Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, twice Professors, the Duma deputy of the Stavropol Territory, the Hero of Labor of Stavropol, Honorary citizen of the Stavropol Territory Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev, dean of the faculty Elena Ivanovna Kostyukova, teachers and staff for help in difficult and responsible moments of student life.

The years of study have remained behind, the success of which is confirmed by the diploma obtained. Practically all graduates are already employed and now they will realize themselves in a new working life, reach new heights, improve their knowledge and skills. We wish the graduates success in all their endeavors, and teachers who work with students, health and all the best! 

Дата новости для фото:  10.07.2017
Номер новости для фото:  21

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