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The team of "Potaninists" of StGAU won the grant of the 15th School of the Foundation.


Teachers and undergraduates of the Agrarian University improved the appearance of their native city and organize a dialogue of cultures of the multinational North Caucasus.

The charitable foundation of V. Potanin, which implements large-scale programs in the sphere of education and culture, contributing to the formation of active, creative professionals, held the next - the jubilee, the 15th School of the Fund - 2017.

From 2nd to 7th July, more than 300 students and teachers of the magistracy, who won scholarships and grants of Vladimir Potanin's Scholarship program in the last three years, studied social design, listened to lectures and master classes, and took part in charity events. As a result of the contest of socially significant projects, which took place during the School in the Moscow region "Planernoye", the best ideas received grants for implementation.

As for undergraduates and teachers of Stavropol State University, they annually become applicants for scholarships and grants from the Vladimir Potanin Charitable Foundation. And as you know, the winners are given the opportunity to participate in the prestigious All-Russian School of the Fund.

This year, in this tremendous week-long event, a team of Potaninists from the Stavropol State Agrarian University, consisting of five scholars and grantees, participated. Among them, candidates of economic sciences, associate professors - Stanislav Aleksandrovich Molchanenko and Karina Yurievna Mikhailova, as well as undergraduates of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources Alyona Mikhailovskaya and Sergei Ryzhkov, assistant of the Department of Land Management and Cadastre Stepan Tkachenko.

A key part of the School program is the design process. Representatives of the Stavropol Agrarian University developed and successfully defended two socially significant projects - "Living Walls" and "Dialogue of Cultures of the Peoples of the North Caucasus". Both projects were elaborated in detail, brightly and creatively presented by a jury of experts in the field of social design. In general, they are called upon to improve the social and economic situation in such a densely populated region, which is the North Caucasus.

As a result, the victory was won by the "Living Wall" project, which received funding from the funds of the Vladimir Potanin Charity Fund in the amount of 100 thousand rubles. The project involves a competition of graffiti drawings related to the characteristics and identity of our region, which is part of the celebration of the Day of the Stavropol Territory and the Day of the City of Stavropol. This project will improve the appearance of the city (since the old fences and walls will be used as the "canvas") and allow street artists to express themselves and realize themselves in creativity.

- Participation in the School of the Fund in 2017 allowed us to look more closely at how modern Russia lives, what inspires its progressive youth! A number of discussions were devoted to this issue, it was interesting to observe the work, interaction and aspirations of today's youth .... And the conclusion is: everything will be wonderful for Russia, because today we have modern Lomonosovs, Sakharovs, Pushkins and Korolevs! And each in its own way is a hero! So Russia lives! - these are the impressions of his participation in the School of the Fund, the participants of the team of Stavropol State Agrarian University shared. 

Дата новости для фото:  10.07.2017
Номер новости для фото:  6

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