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Associate professor of Ecology and Landscape Architecture Department Ju. A. Mandra visited the exhibition "EXPO-2017" in Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan.

International specialized exhibition is held under the slogan "Energy of the Future", and the main themes of the exhibition "Alternative Energy Sources", "Principles of resource conservation and environmental protection".

The event is an open platform for discussions, which brought together representatives of leading international companies and organizations, energy experts and environmental scientists to exchange experiences, new ideas, projects and technologies for the transition to alternative energy. One of the main tasks of the exhibition is to attract attention of a wide audience to adopt clean and green technologies and sustainable development.

Taking into account that on the basis of the Stavropol State Agrarian University master's program "Innovative technologies in the field of resource saving and environmental control" (by the way, created as a result of implementation of International grant Tempus GreenMa), visit the specified exhibition is relevant. During the event, Julia A. Mandra studied the experience of introduction of technologies for processing biomass and organic waste into clean energy; the prospects for the implementation of the Paris agreement aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and climate change; the experience of implementing the principles of sustainable development into production. The obtained knowledge will be applied in updating the content of the master program "Innovative technologies in the field of resource and environmental monitoring", implemented in the framework of the specialty "Ecology and nature". 

Дата новости для фото:  21.07.2017
Номер новости для фото:  5

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