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Orders on admission have been published (Stage II)


Dear entrants!

We congratulate you on your enrollment in the 2nd stage for full-time budgetary training!

It's right that you decided to study at the Stavropol State Agrarian University! We do everything necessary to ensure that students of our university can receive in-depth knowledge, practical skills, realize their abilities and talents, make friends with the sport, will become true patriots of the Stavropol Territory and our beloved homeland.

The country needs people like you, ambitious young people striving for knowledge, who in a few years will become self-sufficient, self-confident, highly qualified specialists. You have special hopes - it is the new generation of agrarians who are to lead our country to the front lines.

At the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the plan for recruiting bachelors and specialists for the budgetary full-time education was carried out in accordance with the admission control standards approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Order No. 480 of 04/25/2016, annex No. 1.323) in the areas of training ( Specialties) at the expense of budgetary appropriations of the federal budget for general education programs of higher vocational education for the 2017/18 academic year.

We are very pleased with your arrival and are sure that you will adequately fill up the amicable family of students of the Agrarian University.

Order No. 420 of 08/08/2017. "On admission of the 2nd stage entrants to the "Economic Faculty"

Order No. 419 of 08/08/2017. "On admission of the 2nd stage entrants to the "Electric Power Faculty"

Order No. 418 of 08/08/2017. "On admission of the 2nd stage entrants to the "Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization"

Order No. 417 of 08/08/2017. "On admission of the 2nd stage entrants to the "Faculty of Veterinary Medicine"

Order No. 416 of 08/08/2017. "On admission of the 2nd stage entrants to the "Faculty of Technological Management"

Order No. 415 of 08/08/2017. "On admission of the 2nd stage entrants to the "Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture"

Order No. 414 of 08/08/2017. "On admission of the 2nd stage entrants to the "Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources" 

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