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Orders on admission of entrants on full-time commercial form of education have been published

 Dear entrants! We draw your attention that on the site in the in the section "Entrant" have been published orders on admission of entrants of full-time commercial form of education.


Orders of 2017

Order No. 423 of August 10, 2017. "On admission of entrants to places with full reimbursement of full-time education costs"

Order No. 422 of August 10, 2017. "On admission of foreign citizens to places with full reimbursement of the costs of full-time education"

Order No. 421 of August 10, 2017. "On expulsion of applicants who has been enrolled in the 1st stage"

Order No. 420 of 08/08/2017. "On admission of the 2nd stage entrants to the "Economic Faculty"

Order No. 419 of 08/08/2017. "On admission of the 2nd stage entrants to the "Electric Power Faculty"

Order No. 418 of 08/08/2017. "On admission of the 2nd stage entrants to the "Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization"

Order No. 417 of 08/08/2017. "On admission of the 2nd stage entrants to the "Faculty of Veterinary Medicine"

Order No. 416 of 08/08/2017. "On admission of the 2nd stage entrants to the "Faculty of Technological Management"

Order No. 415 of 08/08/2017. "On admission of the 2nd stage entrants to the "Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture"

Order No. 414 of 08/08/2017. "On admission of the 2nd stage entrants to the "Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources"

Order No. 413 of 07/08/2017. "On expulsion of applicants who has been enrolled in the 1st stage"

Order No. 412 of 06/08/2017. "On expulsion of applicants who has been enrolled in the 1st stage"

Order No. 411 of August 3, 2017. "On admission of the 1st stage entrants to the "Economic Faculty"

Order No. 410 of August 3, 2017. "On admission of the 1st stage entrants to the "Electric Power Faculty"

Order No. 409 of August 3, 2017. "On admission of the 1st stage entrants to the "Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization"

Order No. 408 of August 3, 2017. "On admission of the 1st stage entrants to the "Faculty of Veterinary Medicine"

Order No. 407 of August 3, 2017. "On admission of the 1st stage entrants to the "Faculty of Technological Management"

Order No. 406 of August 3, 2017. "On admission of the first stage entrants to the "Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture"

Order No. 405 of August 3, 2017. "On admission of the 2nd stage entrants to the "Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources"

Order No. 392 of 01/08/2017. "On admission of entrants to places with full cost recovery for the 2017-2018 academic year"

Order No. 370 of July 29, 2017. "On admission of entrants to budget places within the target quota for the 2017-2018 academic year".

Order No. 369 of July 29, 2017. "On admission of entrants to budget places within the special quota for the 2017-2018 academic year"

Information on the number of vacant budget places for enrolling entrants in the Stavropol State Agrarian University for full-time studies before filling 100% of the competitive places for the general competition in 2017.

Orders of 2016

Orders of 2015. 

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