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Experience exchange


Multilateral cooperation of the faculties of the Stavropol SAU with the manufacturers gives good results.

Stavropol company "Agrokormservis plus" and its director V. A. Vrana, in the framework of scientific and creative cooperation, provided an opportunity for the professor of Private animal science, plant breeding and animal breeding Department of the Technological Management Faculty E. E. EpimaKhova the visit to the Russian innovative biotech company in the Belgorod region.

"NTC BIO" ( Shebekino), headed by the General Director of Pravdina I. V., has got microbiological and analytical laboratories, as well as three production sites for the formulation of the nine biologics. The company has one of the best in the country collection of industrial non-pathogenic strains of microorganisms. Biological products, produced by "NTC BIO" is protected by 10 patents of the Russian Federation.

Currently, in the Belgorod region conducted a large-scale introduction of BAS "Sanvit-To" for the biodegradation of animal excreta. Test this drug in pig farms showed a decrease in the concentration of ammonia in indoor air by 25-70 % and increase average daily gain of pigs by 15-20 %.

Meanwhile, in the vivarium of the Technological Management Faculty was held the first practice for supplements "Sanvit-To" for growing broilers. The experiment was provided when the execution of the contract with the Ministry of agriculture of the Stavropol territory on the theme of "Developing evidence-based recommendations on the use of bacteria in bedding material used for the housing of farm animals and poultry".

According to the famous Stavropol poultry farmer, professor of SSAU E. E. Epimahova, the prospect of meeting and interacting with the management and specialists of "NTC BIO" will be a joint in-depth research work for the next three years. Of course, the result of this fruitful cooperation a positive impact on the results of LLC "Agrokormservis plus" – a strategic partner of the agricultural University, and University research activities. 

Дата новости для фото:  17.08.2017
Номер новости для фото:  2

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