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Audit of poultry in industrial scale


Professor of Department of private animal husbandry and animal breeding of the Stavropol SAU E. E. Epimahova visited the poultry farm "Grachevskaya" for the purpose of assessment of laying hens in industrial flocks.

The company is a strategic partner of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. Repeatedly the students of the faculty of Technological management were here on practice under the guidance of the chief technologist of poultry farm Sergey Lutovinov, a graduate of the SSAU to be awarded in 2016 the title of "Best birder of Stavropol Region". Currently his assistant is a 5th year student of the "Animal science" L. A. Petrosyan, who performs qualifying work under the direction of Professor E. E. Epimahova.

As a result of jointly conducted audit of poultry for the production of a range of indicators were given practical recommendations regarding the adjustment of the technological schedule of laying hens. Developed a set of measures aimed at increasing the egg production and the formation of a full shell for laying hens c prolonged egg-laying (up to 85 weeks). 

Дата новости для фото:  17.08.2017
Номер новости для фото:  3

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