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Dear students, teachers, countrymen! I congratulate you on the Day of the National Flag!


Today is a holiday for millions of our citizens who, being true patriots, are proud of the historical past of the Motherland and realize their responsibility for the future of Russia.

Established in 1994, the Day of the National Flag of the Russian Federation reminds all of us of the greatness of our beloved country. After all, each of us must think and take care of its prosperity, with its achievements, with creative work, to make our own contribution to social and economic development, to multiply the glory of our Motherland.

Let always and everywhere Russian tricolor in honor of unforgettable victories of our compatriots and compatriots flaunts, symbolizing freedom, peace and prosperity!

I sincerely wish you a blue cloudless sky, prosperity, happiness, implementation of the plans and successes in all your endeavors. With all your heart, love your Motherland and believe in the power of our country!

Rector of the Stavropol State

Agrarian University,

Academician of RAS, Professor, 

В. И. Трухачев

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