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For experience - to Belgorod


The multilateral cooperation of the faculties of Stavropol State University with the production workers gives good results.

The Stavropol company LLC Agrokormservis Plus represented by the director A.V. Vran, within the framework of scientific and creative cooperation, gave the opportunity to visit the innovative Russian biotechnological enterprise in the Belgorod region, to E.E.Epimakhova, the professor of the department of private zootechny, breeding and breeding of animals of the Technological Management faculty. .

As part of LLC "NTC BIO" (Shchebekino), headed by General Director Pravdin I., microbiological and analytical laboratories, as well as three production sites for the development of nine biologics. The enterprise has one of the best in the country collection of industrial non-pathogenic strains of microorganisms. Biopreparations produced by LLC "NTC BIO" are protected by 10 patents of the Russian Federation.

Currently in the Belgorod region, a large-scale introduction of the "Sanvit-K" dietary supplements for the biodestruction of animal excrement is carried out. Testing of this drug in pig-breeding complexes showed a decrease in the concentration of ammonia in the air of the premises by 25-70% and an increase in the average daily increase in piglets by 15-20%.

Meanwhile, in the vivarium of the Faculty of Technological Management of SSAU, the first experience in the use of the "Sanvit-K" dietary supplements during broiler farming was conducted. The experiment was envisaged when executing a contract with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory on the theme "Development of scientifically sound recommendations on the use of bacteria in litter material used to contain farm animals and poultry."

It has been established that the intensity of the unpleasant odor decreased by 23.3-53.3%, the content of ammonia - by 10.0-25.9% to the slaughter of the bird in 35 days. At the same time, the increase in the efficiency index of growing chickens (EPEF) by 13.7-18.8% was noted both at the expense of improving the sanitary and hygienic conditions of cultivation, and better digestion and use of nutrients feed.

According to the well-known Stavropol poultry breeder, professor of the SSAU E.E. Epimakhova, the prospect of meeting and communicating with the management and specialists of the LLC "NTC BIO" will be a joint in-depth scientific research work for the next three years. Undoubtedly, the result of such fruitful cooperation will have a positive impact on the results of the work of LLC Agrokormservis Plus, a strategic partner of the agrarian university, and university research activities. 

Дата новости для фото:  21.08.2017 08:00:00
Номер новости для фото:  1

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