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The first "ArtMashuk" was a success!


Students of Stavropol State University: "We are happy to be a part of the creative history of the youth of the South of Russia".

Moving literally from one forum to another, the most creative students of Stavropol State Agrarian University took part in educational venues and master classes of famous Russian and foreign art and culture figures. Indeed, the continuation of the work of "Mashuka - 2017" was a new format of the forum - "ArtMashuk", which from August 19 to August 25 for the first time brought together more than 800 talented representatives of the North Caucasus region.

For five days, the First Interregional Forum of Culture and Art "ArtMashuk" added to us a huge amount of creative energy, new knowledge and new friends: from Stavropol, North Ossetia - Alania, Karachaevo-Cherkessia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Chechnya, Ingushetia, Dagestan, Kalmykia, Crimea, Volgograd, Rostov, Adygea! - future agrarians, headed by the chairman of the trade union organization of students of SSAU Nikolay Golovin. - We think that the creative Pyatigorsk forum will become an annual forum, he managed to unite republics and cities, traditions and cultures.

The event was attended by representatives of creative teams, students of higher and secondary professional educational organizations, young workers in the sphere of culture of the North Caucasus and Southern Federal Districts. The students of Stavropol State Agrarian University joined the forum participants and its organizers.

Unlike the "Mashuk" forum, there is no grant competition for "ArtMashuk". The result of each day was the programs prepared by the participants, which they presented at the evening events. During the forum the youth gained experience in panel discussions, creative workshops with cultural and art figures, experts in the areas of Instrumental Creativity, Painting, Vocals, Choreography, Design, and Theatrical Art. The brightest, talented students of SSAU who have always been ready for new achievements have spent time, were charged with inspiration and positive emotions. They presented their native university with dignity as participants, staff of the art management of the forum and curators.

So, for example, under the guidance of the circus choreographer Du Soleil they learned a few dance bands and prepared for the evening concert-disco. The student of the accounting and financial department Olesya Segida happened to be on the same stage with Mario Forelli:

- Very cool choreographer. Master revealed useful for me, as a dancer, secrets.

At the closing of the forum on behalf of representatives of all the Ministries of Culture of the South of Russia, Tatyana Likhacheva, the head of the Ministry of Culture of the Stavropol Territory, addressed: "The further life of ArtMashuk depended on how the first forum will be held. We watched all the reviews in the media, social networks, and everything was very cool. You are so joyful, filled with energy, creativity gathered here, and very much hope that all have become friends. We do not say goodbye, but we say: "See you next time, ArtMashuk!" 

Дата новости для фото:  28.08.2017
Номер новости для фото:  1

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