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Day of Knowledge!


Dear first-year students!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the beginning of the new academic year and Day of Knowledge!

Here comes a wonderful holiday, with excitement and joy for everyone who teaches and is ready to learn.

Day of Knowledge - September 1 is not only the beginning of the academic year, it is a symbol of new beginnings, an important reference point for setting ambitious goals and objectives, fruitful search for highly effective solutions and improvement in the future profession. And for every freshman, this day also marks the start to an exciting mastering of the profession, a unique student life!

You made the right choice when you decided to study at Stavropol State Agrarian University, which is one of the top 100 best Russian universities, is twice the winner of the Government Prize and the only organization in the country that has reached the platinum level of recognition of Excellence in a global format in Europe!

The staff of SSAU will make every effort to ensure that students of our university can become professionals in the agricultural sector of the highest qualification, in demand in any region of the Fatherland. The country needs young farmers - true patriots of the Stavropol Territory and our beloved homeland - and places great hopes on the new generation.

Be active, always strive for knowledge, stand up for bold ideas, show leadership qualities and do your work glorify your alma mater! Studies, science, creativity, sports, volunteering - these are your new horizons. Go to meet the opening with a desire to improve, and all the goals will be achievable! In a good way, into student life!

Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University,

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Hero of Labor of Stavropol,

Honorary citizen of the Stavropol Territory V. I. TRUKHACHEV

В. И. Трухачев

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