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Future agrarians are ready for new achievements!


Freshmen of Stavropol State Agrarian University were solemnly dedicated to students. On the Day of Knowledge, young people were greeted by Yury Yegorov, Deputy Director of the Department of Science and Technology Policy and Education of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, and Vladimir Trukhachev, Rector of SSAU, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, warmly congratulated the guests of the university.

Today - Student, tomorrow - Agrarian

"Welcome our dear first-year students of Stavropol State Agrarian University! Everyone who chose Agrarian as the main business of his life! "This" running line "on the building of the oldest university of the region was met on September 1 by a new generation of future workers of the national agro-industrial complex, as well as many graduates of SSAU and numerous guests who came to the festival.

Today everything was ready for reception of long-awaited beginners - freshmen, and everything was in their honour: a fine autumn day, kind words of farewell from many authoritative guests of the holiday, creative numbers of talented young people, fireworks and serpentine shows. It was great, bright, joyful, solemn and very exciting! It seems to be a dedication to the students of the Agrarian University - the ritual is not a new one, but an annual one ... But each time it goes like in one breath, with the sinking of many, many hearts - and those who come here with a great desire to learn, and those who are ready patiently teach the basics and wisdom of the profession, transfer knowledge and life experience.

Thirty soloists in scarlet velvet robes performed the hymn of all the students of "Gaudeamus", having opened the long-awaited celebration. To applause and cheers everyone greeted the leadership of the Stavropol State Agrarian University and distinguished guests. The November holiday began!

Traditionally, the right to introduce the legendary banner of the Stavropol State Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the Agrarian University is provided to excellent students, activists who glorified the alma mater. In this academic year - the nominal grantee of the President of the Russian Federation, the master student of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization Andrei Nazarenko, the nominal scholarship holders of the Governor of the Stavropol Territory, the fourth-year student of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture Anastasia Shkirya and the 4th year student of the Accounting and Finance Department, the holder of the state award "Hot Heart" Inna Kuliyeva.

Excellent wishes were heard by the first-year students excited by the event of nine faculties of the country's advanced agricultural university. But the most unexpected thing for them was, perhaps, the congratulation of the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Alexander Tkachev (namely the students of SSAU!), Which was sounded by Yury Yegorov, Deputy Director of the Department for Science and Technology Policy and Education of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, who arrived specially for the holiday from Moscow.

Wishing success in conquering new peaks, in his welcome address the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, A. N. Tkachev, reminded the students that "study is the most important and special time, requiring high responsibility and making independent bold decisions". Turning to first-year students, Alexander Nikolaevich supported their desire to obtain a promising and popular agricultural education. "For several years now, domestic agriculture has been on the rise, with the growth in the pace of development of the agrarian sector, the demand for young cadres in all areas is increasing. It is behind you - the enterprising, active and purposeful - the future of Russia, the future of the agro-industrial complex ", - said in the greeting of the head of the agrarian branch of the country.

The fire of knowledge!

Inspired by the words of the minister, novices from all nine faculties of the State University of Civil Aviation came to the main stage of the square. As a sign of the succession of generations of alma mater from the hands of undergraduates, they received a burning torch and lighted in their cup already their Fire Knowledge. The most solemn moment of the holiday has come - Dedication to students.

Freshmen of Stavropol State Agrarian University (and there are 1231 of them this year!) together with the student of the 1 st year of the Accounting and Finance Department, the winner of All-Russian Olympiads and international festivals Alla Katerova were sworn to the traditions of the legendary high school, the flagship of agrarian education in Russia. Promising to make every effort to become true professionals and worthy citizens of the country, as a symbol of their future victories, they vowed to the rector of the Stavropol State University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Ivanovich Truhachev. The key of knowledge from the Temple of Education and Science, the Record Book and the Student Ticket was handed in turn to the freshmen twice by the Doctor of Science and twice by Professor, Deputy of the Duma of the Stavropol Territory, Hero of Labour of Stavropol, Honorary citizen of the Stavropol Territory V.I. Trukhachev, and the deans of the faculties solemnly They put festive ribbons on them with the inscription "Student of the Agrarian University".

But no modern university history is possible without the Memory of Generations, and in Agrarian it is sacredly honoured. Freshmen of SSAU for the first time got the right to lay flowers to the university memorial - the stela of students, teachers and employees who died during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. In continuation of the song "Let's worship those great years", students in the form of snow-white doves performed a piercing dance composition "Birds of the World", reminding the youth of the fragility of our planet and the need to save the world with all the forces.

Here and this time, the commander of "Agrariya" Nikolai Golovin reported to the rector about the achievements of 12 specialized detachments with a total number of 3135 people. So, the mechanized squad "Kolos" threshed more than 800 thousand centners of grain, not only in the educational and experimental farm of State Agrarian University, but also in the farms of the region. More than 400 complex diagnostic studies of small domestic animals and more than 100 cavitary operations were carried out by veterinary squad members "Aibolit". By the way, they spent their summer labour semester, working in one of the leading agricultural holdings of the country for milk production - EkoNiva APK. In four children's health camps in Stavropol and Kuban, the leader of the detachment "Dream", who by the way, in 2017, became the leader among the student groups of the Stavropol Territory, performed well. Practice in the leading hotel and restaurant complexes of Stavropol, Kuban and the Republic of Crimea was the service detachment "Restaurateur". The landscape-building squad "Ozelenitel" managed to create green oases not only on the territory of the university, but also in preschool and general education institutions of the regional centre. The scope of the construction team "Masters" is also considerable - more than 9 thousand square meters of educational, laboratory and residential premises in the hostels of the University. The unit "Land surveyor" was engaged in field work on an area of 29,400 hectares, prepared two schemes for the inventory of agricultural land. Leaders of the All-Russian contest of specialized detachments of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation were the "Finance" student group. Worthy have proved themselves, participating in numerous actions and projects, and three volunteer detachment - "TOLK", "Volunteer", "Care." Two years ago the Public Rescue Team was established. During this time, his fighters took part in the liquidation of the disaster in the floods in Svetlograd, they were on duty at the rescue facilities in the Republic of Crimea and even managed to hoist the flag of the university on top of Elbrus. And now the whole huge agrarian "squad" announced its readiness for a new semester of work!

The sports show parkour was preceded by the march of the following participants of the Parade - the stars of the sports university Olympus. Proudly walked along the university square with medals on the chest multiple champions, members of the national teams of SSAU in mini-football, volleyball, basketball, freestyle wrestling, weightlifting, powerlifting. By the way, the strongest man on the planet, a weightlifter who set four world records, the Olympic champion, the coach and the great friend of the Agrarian University Andrey Chemierkin, came to congratulate today's freshmen with the beginning of a new student life. He recalled the excellent opportunities for physical education and sports, which are absolutely all students of SSAU, the legendary sportsman the master of sports of international class on powerlifting and bodybuilding, the world and European champion Nina Mukhortova.

The sportsmen were replaced by pupils of the Centre for Aesthetic Education of Students, which for a year held more than 200 events - from university to all-Russian. The exclusive red limousine was delivered to the most beautiful team of Agrarian - "Vice Miss Student of Russia", undergraduate student of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization Anastasia Kazakova, holder of the title "Vice-Mister University", laureate of All-Russian and international festivals of Igor Kovshik. Arriving with them, "Miss University - 2017", "First Vice-Miss Students of the Stavropol Territory," Master of Economics Faculty Veronika Serikova on behalf of all students congratulated on the beginning.

"On a good tradition on September 1, for the development of the student scientific society, the sports club Kolos and the Center for Aesthetic Education of Students, we annually give limited checkbooks worth one million rubles," announced the rector Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev to the applause of the youth, and then introduced another guest - a graduate of Stavropol State University. Sergei Gorbovsky, the repeated winner of the World and European Championships in modern dance styles according to the IDO version, congratulated the talented youth of the Agrarian University and invited the guys to a master class which, together with the best hip-hop coaches, will be held on 4-7 September at the student's square of the native university.

At the end of the solemn line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge, Rector V. I. Truhachev once again addressed to the full-fledged students of the Agrarian University: "We are glad that you entered our university - the oldest and perhaps the most famous in the South of Russia. Our university twice won the Russian Federation Government Quality Award, was nominated four times for the prestigious European EFQM Award for Excellence. In our university for students everything is done! Therefore, from today on, proudly bear the title "Student of Stavropol State Agrarian University". I wish you success in all your good undertakings and boldly go to your goal! "

The final chord of the holiday was a large-scale incendiary flash mob, hundreds of colorful balloons flying up into the sky and most importantly - smiles on the happy faces of first-year students. Their bright student life began! 

Дата новости для фото:  02.09.2017
Номер новости для фото:  1

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