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Future financiers and economists celebrated their professional holiday


Every year on September 8 the Day of the financier is celebrated in our country, this year marks the 215th anniversary of the financial system of Russia. To develop the financial education of students of the Agrarian University, to increase the culture of using financial products and services, as part of the celebration of the Day of the Financier, the teachers of the department "Finance, Credit and Insurance" organized meetings with representatives of the leading financial institutions of Stavropol.

Cash management is one of the key tasks of any enterprise and state. On the rationality of investing resources, loans, payments of debt obligations depends the success of commercial activities. Professional holiday The Day of the financier unites all specialists who conduct such economic practice - managers, employees, students, teachers, scientists. In Russia, it is officially celebrated for the 7th time. The holiday was fixed at the state level by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 19.08.2011 №1101 "On the Day of the Financier". In Stavropol State Agrarian University, celebrating professional holidays of the economic community has become a tradition.

It should be noted that on the eve of the solemn day with the professional holiday of all the staff of the department "Finance, Credit and Insurance Business", Stavropol State University was congratulated by the Director of the Department for Interaction with Educational Institutions of PJSC IC "Rosgosstrakh" Evgeny Valentinovich Zlobin.

On the eve of the holiday, September 7, a meeting was held between the students of financial and economic faculties of the Agrarian University with representatives of Rosneft-Stavropolye - Deputy General Director for Finance Alexey Petrovich Pilitsyn and the head of the planning and economic department Yuri Borisov.

The meeting was opened by the Dean of the Accounting and Finance Department, Professor Elena Ivanovna Kostyukova, who recalled that the date of the Day of the Financier as an official state professional holiday was due to the establishment of the Ministry of Finance on September 8, 1802 by Emperor Alexander I. In her speech Elena Ivanovna stressed that the communication of students with representatives of the leading financial institutions of Stavropol is not only the acquisition of new knowledge, it is also a great opportunity to get acquainted with future employers.

Speech of Deputy General Director for Finance of Rosneft-Stavropolye Alexei Petrovich Pilitsyn did not leave anyone indifferent in the audience. The representative of a large financial institution focused on the most important qualities of a financier - professionalism, trust, efficiency and tremendous responsibility. The questions raised by experts in the financial sphere aroused genuine interest among agrarian students, who after the meeting asked questions and received exhaustive answers.

At the end of the event Irina Glotova, the head of the department "Finance, Credit and Insurance", noted that such meetings help students to understand better what they will have to do in the future, understand the peculiarities of the chosen specialty, and, most importantly, in what direction it is necessary to develop. After all, success in any field is achieved only by a good knowledge of your business! 

Дата новости для фото:  08.09.2017
Номер новости для фото:  9

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