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Photocross for first-year students


How fastest is it for a student of the first year to settle in the Stavropol State Agrarian University? The way was found!

Last Sunday, September 9, a photocross took place on the territory of the agrarian high school, in which 531 students took part. To do this, more than 40 university groups contacted Internet curators who sent them special assignments. The main purpose of the unusual event was to introduce freshmen to one of the best agrarian universities in the country, carrying out creative photographs in certain places.

During the day, students visited most of the audiences of the Stavropol State Agrarian University and its most important sights, including the Workout-pad, the Institute for Further Professional Education, deans and faculties located along Mira Street. After that, the winners were selected, who received souvenir products with the symbols of the Agrarian University.

Places for the winners were distributed as follows: I place - the 4th group of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization, II place - the 1st group of the Electric Power Department. Five groups were awarded the prize-third place. Among them: - the 1st group of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization, the 1st group of the faculty of socio-cultural service and tourism, the 1st group of the faculty of veterinary medicine, the 1st group of the electric power faculty and the 3rd group of the faculty of veterinary medicine.

- Unforgettable feelings! We got acquainted with the structure of the university, learned a lot of interesting things. Excellent rope course! The day passed with "Hurray!" With the best group had a day off at their favorite university, they left with a sea of joyful emotions and an annual supply of creative photographic cards in return, "the participants of the photo crossed" with raptures." - They say that freshmen have a very interesting life. It is at the Stavropol State Agrarian University in full swing! 

Дата новости для фото:  12.09.2017
Номер новости для фото:  1

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