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Expanding of international cooperation: training in the south of Italy


Employees of the department of production and processing of food products from plant raw materials of the Stavropol State University of Agriculture E. A. Sosyura and M. V. Selivanova were trained at the Italian winery with centuries-old traditions.

The teachers of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources - Candidate of Technical Sciences Elena Sosyura and Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Maria Selivanova visited the Deiana winery, located near Olbia on the island of Sardinia. The trip was organized by the wine guide of Italy and the sommelier of the VsemVina project Lyudmila Kirpicheva.

During the training, the staff of the Stavropol State Agrarian University got acquainted with the technology of wine production used in the south of Italy, as well as with the methods of cultivation of autochthonous (local) varieties of grapes.

The main red grape variety of Sardinia, Cannonau, from which red and pink wines are produced, has been grown for more than a century at the winery of Deiana. The technologies used in this winery are based on the production of biological wines, that is, when a minimum quantity of enological (wine) products is used at different stages, including the stage of vinification. This allows to obtain wines with increased biological value and original organoleptic qualities.

One of the members of the family of winemakers Antonio Gungui told the trainees about the methods used in the cultivation of vines. In order that the centenary vines continue to yield a stable harvest, the special pruning of the bush - "albero" - is made on the farm, which also affects the quality of the grapes and the wine obtained from it. Currently, the winery is working to obtain the status of the DOCG category, and already next year a number of wines will have this high status.

Let us explain, DOCG (Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita) is the highest category in the classification of Italian wines, which guarantees the geographical origin and method of wine production. Wines belonging to this category are produced in strictly defined areas of Italy and according to the technological process approved by ministerial decrees.

Employees of the department of SSAU took part in the process of bottling wine and their subsequent capping. Now in their future plans - an internship at the wineries of the north of Italy, in order to study the northern wines and production technologies of this region. 

Дата новости для фото:  18.09.2017
Номер новости для фото:  3

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