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Agricultural production and the Agrarian University: on a new coil of cooperation


The faculties of technological management and veterinary medicine of SSAU continue cooperation with large poultry enterprises of the region - JSC "Zelenchukskiy" and LLC "Agrkormservice Plus" .

Elena Epimakhova, Professor of small animal science department, Zinchenko Dmitry a post-graduate student of the 2nd year of training, and Nikolai Danilov, 4th year student of the faculty of veterinary medicine, visited the JSC Zelenchukskiy reproductive product plant in the village Storozhevaya, Karachay-Cherkessia.

Poultry farm is one of the best in Russia and specializes in breeding ducks. Currently, Peking ducks of the parent herd of the cross "Star 53" and musk cross "M15" are supplied directly from France by the firm "Grémaud". For the maintenance of ducks and preparation of mixed fodders, modern equipment of French and German production with full computerization and dispatching is used.

General Director Vladimir Ivanovich Gichkin and a young veterinarian Ivan Pavlovich Dubinin, a graduate of the Stavropol SAU in 2017, provided an opportunity for the delegation of the Agrarian University to get acquainted with the production activities of the enterprise. In the course of business communication, issues of high dependence on foreign pedigree material, unstable demand in the market of hatching eggs and daily ducklings were also discussed because of low population solvency and biodestruction of litter in the presence of a bird. At the end of the meeting, an agreement was signed on strategic cooperation and partnership in the field of training livestock specialists and conducting scientific research.

For many years the Stavropol State Agrarian University has been cooperating with another strategic partner, LLC Agrokormservis Plus (Stavropol), whose director, Andrei Valdemarovich Vran, most recently celebrated the 25th anniversary of his production activities.

Currently, this enterprise has mastered a large-scale breeding of unique colored hens, which are in high demand among the population. The company Dominant CZ bought and delivered by air from the Czech capital Prague, the daily chickens and males of the parental forms of four highly productive autosex crosses of meat-egg hens: Dominant Sussex D-104, Dominate Blue D-107, Dominant Black D-149 "," Dominant Striped D-959 ".

The poultry will be kept in a multifunctional poultry house that has been successfully tested for three years with the participation of E.E. Epimahova, professor of the Department of small animal science, Breeding and Breeding of Animals. Students and undergraduates of the Faculty of Technological Management will be provided with an exclusive opportunity to learn the technology of keeping chickens and incubating eggs of new crosses. It is gratifying that the management of the company LLC Agrokormservis Plus is confident of the success of the business that has already begun, that is why it is already concluding contracts for the supply of hybrid incubation eggs and daily youngsters since March 2018. 

Дата новости для фото:  18.09.2017
Номер новости для фото:  1

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