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Scholarships for best students


The administration of the regional center has awarded scholarships to the best students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

Administration of the Stavropol city held a solemn ceremony of awarding the scholarships to the best students and pupils, which is to be paid monthly the entire academic year.

Among them are 5 students of the Agrarian University - Rarova Maria (Economics Faculty), Vinokurov, Maxim and Elena Shlyakhova (Socio-cultural service and tourism Faulty), Alexander Voroshilov (Ecology and landscape architecture faculty) and Nogin Sergei (Veterinary medicine Faculty).

Traditionally, the scholarships of the mayor of Stavropol are awarded for active participation in public life of the city, high achievements in science, culture, sports, and winners of various competitions of mastery and Amateur creativity. A pleasant pre-holiday surprise for the heroes of the event was a significant increase in the amount of the scholarship this year at the initiative of the head of Stavropol Andrey Dzhatdoev.

At the end of the ceremony, scholarship recipients expressed their gratitude to Andrey Dzhatdoev and administration of the regional center for what encourage activists, professional athletes and excellent students, involve youth in public life of the beloved city. Students said they were especially pleased that their work brings glory, pride and beauty of Stavropol, promising to justify the confidence. 

Дата новости для фото:  25.09.2017
Номер новости для фото:  1

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