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Agrarian University at the Festival "Oh, yes, food!"


Last weekend on the lake in the city of Essentuki there was a Festival of taste "Oh, yes, food!", Which was visited by a delegation of teachers and students of the faculty of Social and Cultural Services and Tourism.

At the gastronomic event a fair of local craftsmen's products was working, children's creative groups performed, photo sessions were held, as well as many master classes, trainings and games. The guests were offered a variety of treats - from the original burgers, kebabs and Uzbek pilaf to intricate colorful desserts in combination with cocktails, juices, fragrant coffee and delicious teas.

While the best cooks crossed the chefs, competing in the preparation of delicious dishes, the first balloons began to appear over the lake, as the closing of the XIX aeronautical season on the CMW was timed to the gastronomic event. The pilots were awarded with gifts, and the audience was very pleased with the colorful aerial balloon show.

Bringing students of the profile faculty to the culture of event-events, which in many respects determine the tourist attractiveness of the region, allows them to assess the technology of event tourism organization from the student's bench, and in the future, in the third year, in practice to test their projects for cultural and leisure activities. 

Дата новости для фото:  28.09.2017
Номер новости для фото:  8

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