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Youth is not for drugs and extremism


During the first month of the new academic year, faculties of the Agrarian University held meetings with representatives of various departments and structures that would allow first-year students to better adapt to the urban youth environment.

The lecture on "Introduction to the specialty", held for the students-beginners of the faculties of agrobiology and land resources and ecology and landscape architecture, was opened by the dean, professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Nikolayevich Esaulko, who presented the consultant of the Public Safety Committee of the Administration of the city of Stavropol, Vladimir Viktorovich Khukhlaev and the medical psychologist of the regional narcological dispensary Julia Alexandrovna Fyodorova.

During the meeting, the medical psychologist Yu. A. Fyodorova told the first-year students about the dangers of using drugs and psychotropic substances, explaining where to go for help if young people are already in bondage. V. V. Khukhlaev held an explanatory conversation about the rules of behavior in public places, the role of social networks in the education of youth and the threat of terrorist acts in places of large concentrations of people. First-year students were urged to be very careful about themselves and the people around them.

Another significant event in the life of first-year students was the handing of trade union tickets to the primary trade union organization of students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University by the chairman of the primary trade union organization of university students Nikolay Golovin who congratulated the children on joining the big amicable student family of the Agrarian University.

At the faculties of veterinary medicine and technological management, the consultant of the Public Security Committee of the Administration of the City of Stavropol V. V. Khukhlaev also met with the first-year students. It was about preventing crime, countering the ideology of extremism and terrorism in the youth environment.

In the course of the conversation, Vladimir Viktorovich described the work of the Public Security Committee, the liability provided for by law for crimes and administrative violations committed by persons under the age of 18. "Considering the fact that representatives of more than 70 nationalities live and work in the Stavropol Territory, a consultation council on nationalities was created," V. Khukhlaev informed.

One of the reasons for committing offenses is the entry of young people into various religious sects. In connection with this conversation with the boys continued the priest of the Temple of Matrona of Moscow, the assistant to the head of the FSIN of Russia for the Stavropol Territory on the organization of work with the faithful father Vasily Basakov. It was about the Christian conscience, the revival of spirituality in the modern world. After all, the crisis of faith and the internal crisis pushes young people into the spiritual abyss. Teachers of the Faculty of Technological Management and Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and History Evgeniy Tufanov took part in the conversation. The meeting was bright, interesting and useful, freshmen asked questions, did not hesitate to express their own opinion.

Spiritual-enlightening and various orientation events for first-year students, who have become a good tradition at the university, are the support of young students in choosing their life guide. 

Дата новости для фото:  28.09.2017
Номер новости для фото:  3

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