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Camp of student activists of Stavropol State Agrarian University - the path to leadership begins here


"Youth leader of SSAU - 2017": 500 participants, 24 curators, 80 organizers and 12 hours of productive work.

Meetings, fun, interesting knowledge, good rest, opening new names and finding friends. But why all this freshmen of Stavropol State Agrarian University hurried on September 30 to veterinary clinics?

On this day the annual activist camp "Youth leader of Stavropol State Agrarian University" which includes a rich three-day program, began its work here. The tradition is many years old, but every year it captivates the minds and hearts of freshmen, most recently joined the ranks of the agricultural brotherhood.

- The annual creation of united teams of first-year students of all nine faculties of the university - for us this is an important step in strengthening the amicable family of the Agrarian University and the main task of the Student Activist Camp! - says Nikolai Golovin, chairman of the student trade union of SSAU.

At the solemn opening of the camp, where the leadership of Stavropol State Agrarian University was present, Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev, Rector of the University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, came to support the children.

- Everything we do is for you, for you to smile and please your loved ones! Be the first, be the best! – said the rector of the State Agrarian University, congratulating the newly-made students-agrarians with the entry into the active life of the university.

The answer word of all 500 participants turned into the brightest flash mob, which made an incredible impression on the guests and created a special mood for the guys themselves.

To unite in a single whole, each team of first-year students came up with a name, motto and even a figure, but the spirit of the competition, of course, was present. So, the first team "Phoenix" acted with the motto: "We light, set a goal and win!" The second team clearly wanted to excel in circus balancing with acts and thoughts, that's why they called themselves "Du salts". The third team aspired to be strong, not without reason they are "Elephants"! On the alert were the "Agrarian Guardians" with the command slogan: "We have strength, you will not pass!"

The task of the second day of the camp was the acquisition of new knowledge from professional lecturers at master classes, the opening of new creative talents in the participants. Here the corps of SSAU trainers was actively working, to the master classes of which first-year students of all faculties hurried not in vain.

Diana Mazarbekova in her master class proved that it was honorable to be a volunteer and invited the students of the first courses to become participants of the already positive-proven high school Volunteer Movement. Inna Kuliyeva was ready to mentally pass with the newcomers on seven steps - from the beginning volunteer to the "Student of the Year". Elena Khomutova conducted a master class on "What are social networks eaten with?" The recipe for creating a successful account ", which taught students how to use modern media space for personal and commercial purposes. Veronica Belousova - a supporter of creative thinking, and her master class, of course, was about this. The guys went through the stations dedicated to the main activities of the agricultural university. At the same time, every freshman tried to make a contribution, showing that he could implement his project for the benefit of the whole student body of the alma mater. Leading and managing a team with a Caucasian temperament and sense of humor were taught by Vladimir Avakyan. To be attuned to fruitful work and to interact with the team is the task of every curator of the Activist Camp. It was they who advised the newcomers in a friendly manner how to spend every day in the Camp, productively, with benefit for themselves and others.

The end of the second day was the event "We Remember!" at which the most famous military-patriotic songs were performed. As a sign of respect to the memory of those who died in the battles for their country, the students, standing, performed the legendary song "Victory Day". Participants of the SSAU Student Activist Camp also had an opportunity to get acquainted with all the faculties of the university, to choose the direction that they prefer, and to further show their own creative numbers.

In addition to useful information for those who are just beginning to feel like a student of Stavropol State Agrarian University, the camp of the youth activist was full of all sorts of tricks and, of course, sparkling student humor. This is evidenced by photos and videos, prepared and photographed by the creative forces of the Agrarian Media team. 

Дата новости для фото:  02.10.2017
Номер новости для фото:  16

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