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V All-Russian Congress on Environmental Protection is coming


Associate Professor of the Department of Ecology and Landscape Construction of Stavropol State Agrarian University Yu.A. Mandra will be the only representative of education and science in Stavropol delegation which will participate in the largest discussion platform of the professional ecological community of Russia.

On September 28, the Territorial Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection hosted the Territorial Conference on the nomination of delegates from Stavropol Territory for participation in the V All-Russian Environmental Protection Congress and discussing the priority environmental issues of the region.

The conference was organized by the Department of the Russian Nature Control in the NCFD. Representatives of various spheres of activity of Stavropol Territory took part in the work: territorial bodies and subordinated institutions of federal executive bodies exercising their powers in the sphere of environmental protection and nature management; subordinate institutions of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation; bodies of the regional executive and legislative power; establishment (administration) of specially protected natural territories; public environmental and human rights organizations; scientific organizations, higher educational institutions, etc.

During the event, the range of problems that delegates from the region will raise at the V All-Russian Environmental Protection Congress was determined. Among the priority environmental issues of the region are the problems of the ecology of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, the transition to a new waste management system, the rational use and protection of water resources, the development of a system of specially protected natural areas in the region; organization and conduct of environmental monitoring; development and implementation of environmental programs.

Opening the conference, the Head of the Russian Nature Control Department in the NCFD, Roman Mikhailovich Sarkisov noted that the election of delegates for participation in the All-Russian Congress is a very important event. The Congress is called upon to consolidate the society, lead to balanced decisions and to achieve the most beneficial results in the field of nature protection and environmentally sound nature management of the country.

"There are a lot of problems in different areas. It is the congress that gives us the opportunity to correct these issues somewhere in the legislative part, to show the bottlenecks in the passage of documents at the regional level. This is just the synchronization of watches, so that we can move on, "- said the Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Stavropol Andrey G. Khlopyanov.

Speakers at the conference highlighted current topics for the region. So, the deputy minister of the regional housing and utilities Bogdan Vladimirovich Zabelin reported on the transition of the region to a new system in the field of waste management. The topic was continued by Elena Brezhneva, Deputy Director for Ecology of Eco-City LLC, speaking on the topic "Implementation of the reform of the waste management area in Stavropol Territory. Features of the regional operator activity in the field of handling TKO". Tatyana Vyacheslavovna Amelina, the head of the organization of functioning of the Ministry of Nature of the Region, told about the current state of the network of specially protected natural territories of the region, and Viktoria Yufereva, the head of the environmental education department of the National Park "Kislovodskiy", highlighted the experience of the first year of activity and prospects for the further development of a unique resort park.

Yulia Alexandrovna Mandra, associate professor of the Department of Ecology and Landscape Construction of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture of Stavropol State University, reported on the role of higher educational institutions in providing regional environmental programs, problems in this field and ways of solution. During her presentation, she also talked about the work on creating a profile department on the basis of the Russian Nature Control Department in the NCFD, highlighted the results of environmental projects implemented by the State Environmental Management Administration, including those commissioned by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the region.

After the exchange of views of participants on the reports, the procedure for selecting delegates of the V All-Russian Congress on Environmental Protection from Stavropol Territory was held. According to the allocated quota from our region in December 2017, 33 delegates will take part in the congress - representatives of public authorities, public environmental organizations, large enterprises of the region, and other environmental organizations. As a result of voting, an associate professor of the Department of Ecology and Landscape Construction of Stavropol State Agrarian University was included in the number of delegates. Julia Mandra will be the only representative of education and science as part of Stavropol delegation.

For reference:

V All-Russian Congress on Environmental Protection will be a key event in the framework of the Year of the Environment and Protected Areas in Russia, which will be attended by delegates from each constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The event will be held December 12-14, 2017 in the Moscow International Exhibition Center “Krokus Expo”. 

Дата новости для фото:  03.10.2017
Номер новости для фото:  2

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