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Agricultural enterprise LLC "Agroinvest" of Ipatovskiy district will become a basic farm for Stavropol State Agrarian University


Students of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources of SSAU under the leadership of Dean A.N. Esaulko, heads of the departments O.I. Vlasova, M.S. Sigida, associate professors L.V. Trubacheva, I.A. Volters, S.A. Korostelev visited one from the large farms included in the group of companies "IRRIKO".

Four years ago, the specialists of Irriko set themselves a difficult task - to revive agriculture on artificially irrigated lands. What Agroinvest achieved over the years, students and teachers of Stavropol State Agrarian University learned in the course of the trip to Ipatovsky region.

Executive Director of the economy Nikolai Ivanovich Paltsev conducted an excursion, during which he informed:

- Today 18 different crops are grown on the farm - grains, legumes, oilseeds. The area of irrigated land is 5000 hectares, the main type of irrigation is sprinkling, carried out by PIVOT machines. On these lands, maize and soybeans, as well as vegetables on an area of 1200 hectares. Production of vegetables is selected as a priority. The yield of grain crops is about 61-62 c / ha, maize for grain - 120 c / ha, which is a good indicator in a fairly arid Ipatovsky region. This once again confirms the necessity of using artificial irrigation in the region.

First Deputy General Director for Production Grigory Nikolayevich Smetanin said that a logistics center has been established on the basis of the farm to store, sell and transport vegetables. With the acquisition of the latest line of high-tech equipment, namely packing and bagging machines, the production capacity has grown many-fold. Now using the equipment up to 11 bags per minute can be packed, and the already formed lots of vegetables will immediately go to the market. Thanks to the new logistics center, the sales of products will reach a qualitatively new level.

Between Stavropol State Agrarian University and the Agroinvest LLC, Ipatovsky region, an agreement on strategic cooperation and partnership has been signed that will enable students of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources to undergo training and production practices, participate in scholarship programs of the farm, and faculty members will be able to carry out scientific research and contractual work. The plans of the faculty are to make the Agricultural Production Association "Agroinvest" a basic farm for the training of young specialists in the field of melioration and vegetable growing. 

Дата новости для фото:  06.10.2017
Номер новости для фото:  5

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