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Practice of a young farmer: use the opportunities in full!


Students of Stavropol State Agrarian University practice in the innovation centers of the university, the best agricultural enterprises of the region and abroad.

From quality training - to high quality milk

In September, for students of the Faculty of Technological Management, a practice was organized, during which for three days everyone could improve their professional skills in assessing the quality of milk (such as fat content, protein and somatic cells, impurities, etc.). The training was conducted with the help of modern analyzers in the laboratory of selection control of milk quality "Center for Management of Highly Efficient Genetic Resources for Livestock". The practice was guided by the professor of the Department of Private Zootechnics, Selection and Breeding of Animals Sergei A. Oleinik and Senior Lecturer Alexei Alexeyevich Pokotylo. The first to open the practice were first-year students Ayriyan Arina, Irina Legkova, Ekaterina Rybalko, Sayyana Khalikova and Yakubova Ramina. The students gained a useful experience in the formation of an information database by evaluating the quality indicators of milk.

APOLLO-practice in Germany

Five students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine successfully completed the foreign production practice on the APOLLO e.V. program. in the conditions of farms in Germany.

Within 4 months they got acquainted with the agriculture and life of the European country, they managed to expand their knowledge in the field of various branches of agriculture, improve their language skills, and establish contacts with students from other Russian universities. For the trainees, training seminars and master classes were organized, during which it was possible to visit large enterprises of the agro-industrial complex of Germany (EHRMANN, WESTFALIA-LANDTECHNIK, CLAAS, LEMKEN, etc.) and study the organization of production.

It should be noted that this international youth program on cooperation in the field of agriculture, ecology and rural development in Eastern Europe, since 1991, has been carrying out student exchange between universities in the fields of agriculture, biology, geography and geology. Practice on German farms and enterprises required from trainees comprehensive knowledge and skills, performance of various works related to the specialization of the training program. And third-year students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Batrakova Ekaterina, Romashkin Dmitry, Kuliyeva Asiyat, as well as 4th year students Klyushina Marina and Valentina Sherstobitova coped with these tasks. During the practice, each student had his own curator, who helped them to adapt. After completing the practice at the final seminar, the students defended the report on the work done. For the excellent protection of the project, student Ekaterina Batrakova was proposed a prize - a second practice in Germany! 

Дата новости для фото:  06.10.2017
Номер новости для фото:  4

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