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Establishing strong professional ties with the Austrian Federation of Livestock Breeders


Agrarian University was visited by an Austrian delegation consisting of Agidius Kogler, Karl Zottla who represented the company Noegengenik, and Dietmar Kurzthaler, doctor of veterinary medicine, a representative of ASKAgrarservice. The participants of the meeting are sure that it will give an additional impulse for carrying out actual joint research and exchange of scientific and practical experience.

The working tone of the forthcoming work was initially given by the rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev. He stressed the importance of international contacts for improving the quality of the educational process, mutual enrichment with new ideas of university scientists and specialists from Austria. At the same time Austrian representatives expressed gratitude to the rector for the opportunity to visit one of the best agricultural universities in Russia and get acquainted with dairy cattle breeding in the North Caucasus.

At a professional level, a working meeting of European guests with the staff of the faculties of technological management and veterinary medicine was further held. Vice-rector for scientific and innovative work, Professor V.Yu. Morozov, Dean of the Faculties of Veterinary Medicine and Technological Management, Associate Professor V.S. Skripkin, Heads of the Departments V.I. Konoplev, A.P. Marynych, N.A. Ozheredova, Professors S.A. Oleinik, N.Z. Zlydnev, A.N. Kvochko, Associate Professor E.N. Chernobay, Senior Lecturer A.A. Pokotilo.

After a brief excursion and familiarization with the work of the Center for Management of Highly Efficient Livestock Genetic Resources in a specialized audience, a productive conversation took place on the current state of dairy cattle breeding in Austria and Russia, as well as on the development trends of the industry at the international level for the expert-bonitary service. Questions were raised about the prospects for the implementation of the methodology of the International Committee for Registration of Animals (ICAR) in dairy cattle breeding in Russia, the issues of ensuring the sanitary and veterinary welfare of production processes in the dairy industry were discussed.

For the practical part of the working meeting, a visit was made to the dairy farm of the leading pedigree breeding plant Stavropol-SPK Kolkhoz-breeding plant "Kazminsky", with which the university has been successfully cooperating for many years. The guests were greeted by the chief livestock specialist, Aleksey Vladimirovich Levchenko, who introduced the modern dairy complex of Farm No. 5 and told about the main achievements of the farm in the field of plant growing and animal husbandry. It was noted that the concerns of the head of the breeding farm - Honored Worker of Agriculture of Russia, the Hero of Labor of Stavropol Sergey Aleksandrovich Shumsky, graduate of the Agrarian University, are not limited to the development of the agricultural enterprise. The activity of the head of the kolkhoz-breeding farm "Kazminsky" is a vivid example of a socially responsible business. Shumsky's concern for agrarian workers, efforts to develop the infrastructure are obvious: the social sphere is developed in the village, three schools, kindergartens operate, many school leavers remain in the small homeland, and this is the future of Stavropol livestock.

Europeans were impressed by the scale of the dairy farm, its modern equipment, which makes it possible to achieve high milk production indicators - at the level of 8-9 thousand kg of milk per cow per year. In Austria, dairy cattle breeding is represented mainly by small farms, where 20-30 cows are kept. Agrarian business in this country is, first of all, long-standing family traditions, the work of several generations. The focus is not on quantity, but quality, because the state control over compliance with the quality and technology standards is extremely strict. The Russian farm seemed to guests unusually large, as it contains about 500 high-yielding cows of black and motley breed. However, they are sure that the professional exchange of knowledge and experience of cattle breeders from different countries can be very mutually beneficial.

Prospects for future cooperation between scientists from Stavropol State Agrarian University and specialists from Austria have been identified to conduct joint research projects in the field of dairy cattle breeding, the physiology of animal nutrition, following which there will be relevant publications in the leading scientific publications in Europe. 

Дата новости для фото:  06.10.2017
Номер новости для фото:  2

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