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Happy Day of agriculture and processing industry workers!


Dear workers of agriculture and processing industry, dear graduates of Stavropol State Agrarian University, industry veterans!

I congratulate you on your professional holiday!

The mission of the agrarians, those who feed the population of a huge country, is truly strategic for our Motherland. Many workers, for this hard, but noble work, deserve the deepest respect and words of great gratitude. Among them are workers and leading specialists, heads of agricultural enterprises and farms, agricultural scientists.

All of you persistently and selflessly, with full dedication work in key sectors of the economy of the Russian Federation! And every day, as true professionals and true patriots, strive for a high goal - in difficult economic conditions to multiply the contribution of Stavropol, the breadbasket of the country, to Russia's food sovereignty.

Thanks to your colossal efforts, diligence, love for your native land and faith in the great future of the Motherland. Russia has regained its status as one of the main agrarian countries in the world, and Stavropol agro industry has reached new milestones. Stavropol Territory plans in the coming years to increase even more the production of high-quality, green agricultural products and its exports; we take the course to diversify the economy in the agro-industrial complex, the development of agricultural science and processing, and the introduction of the achievements of modern scientific thought. I am confident that you will cope with this task with dignity!

On this festive day I wish all the glorious farmers of our region good health, good weather, fertile soil, high yields and a decent profit! Happiness, peace, prosperity and prosperity to your families! With a professional holiday and thanks for your heroic work!

Yours faithfully,

Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University,

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor, deputy of the Duma of Stavropol Territory,

Hero of Labor of Stavropol, Honorary Citizen of

Stavropol Krai

V. I. Truhachev 

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