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For the first time in the region, the ONF Youth Forum started on the site of Stavropol State Agrarian University


Stavropol region became the first Russian region where the ONF Youth Forum was held, Stavropol State Agrarian University - the first university where "ONF Youth" gathered, which is not indifferent to the future of Russia.

On October 8, about 250 youth leaders from all over the region and neighboring regions came to the Agrarian University, and they were expecting a lot of work in various areas. The youth planned to discuss the acute problems of the territories and find their solution. The event which took place on the basis of Stavropol State Agrarian University acquainted the audience with the work of the All-Russian People's Front, as well as the "ONF Youth".

The audience was represented by students of the Institute of Friendship of the Peoples of the Caucasus, Stavropol Regional College of Computing Machinery and Electronics, Stavropol College of Communications, Stavropol Building College, Nevinnomyssk State Humanitarian Technical Institute, St. Petersburg State Medical University, Stavropol State Agrarian University. Youth leaders from Yessentuki, Rostov-on-Don, the Republic of Kalmykia also came to the forum.

All of them had a chance to get to know each other and in the "question" - "answer" mode to talk with very well-known speakers, including four active deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Among them there were the main tamer of official appetites, coordinator of the ONF project "For Fair Procurement", State Duma deputy Anton Getta; the leader of the "ONF Youth" of the country, coordinator of the "Youth of the ONF", a deputy of the State Duma of Russia, Sergei Boyarsky; the main fighter in the country, the deputy of the State Duma of Russia Olga Timofeeva and the main fighter with pits and potholes, the deputy of the State Duma of Russia, the coordinator of the project " ONF road inspection / the map of the killed roads" Alexander Vasiliev.

Among the honorable participants of the meeting were: in the past, graduates of the agrarian university and now the main legislator of the region, chairman of the regional Duma Gennady Yagubov, State Duma deputy Aleksei Lavrynenko and hospitable host of the forum, member of the regional headquarters of the People’s Front, a deputy of the regional Duma, rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University Vladimir Trukhachev and rectors of other universities and colleges of the region as well as the deputy of the regional Duma Valentin Muraviev and Deputy Minister of Education and Youth Policy Dmitry Donetsky.

The first of the federal coordinators, eye-to-eye communication with student activists, was started by the co-chairman of the ONF central headquarters Olga Timofeeva, by the way, a graduate of the Agrarian University. Her speech at the alma mater in the Year of Ecology in Russia, she devoted to environmental issues: combating illegal landfills, preserving the unique nature of Kavminvody, protecting the "Red Book" animals and not only. Demonstrating the presentation "Let's make our land better!" O. Timofeeva asked young people to be more active, by their own example, to help solve the problems of their cities. "You are the inhabitants of your territories, this is your land!", "We are responsible for the country!", "Adult need the help an expert youth community, we need you as partners, friends!" - the arguments were brought by the speaker.

Her colleagues for the State Duma and ONF also held their own thematic master classes.

"The future does not come. We do it ourselves! "- considers Anton Getta, as well as the fact that corruption is also won by people. He suggested that activists conduct their own investigations, not create problems, but, on the contrary, translate their decision into a constructive channel.

It is important to organize any union, link, movement in your university, district, city against the "killed" Russian roads was the call and the main topic of the conversation of the coordinator of the project " ONF road inspection / Map of the killed roads" Alexander Vasiliev.

"We often communicate with young people from different regions on video communication and especially in social networks - we understand that today it is the main youth site. But personal communication will not replace anything, and I am glad to have this opportunity, and about the fact that young people in such numbers come to such forums where they tell us what they care about first of all. Our task is to hear them and build the work accordingly, "- the head of the department of youth projects of the ONF Igor Kastyukevich shared his thoughts.

The founder of the bullfinch on the hashteg said that "the start of the direction was given on August 30 this year at the change of young journalists of the Tavrida forum in the Crimea. Today, young people are no longer looking for excuses and do not expect the most suitable time to start, it is ready to act here and now. Launch of the site was preceded by work on monitoring various social groups, among them schoolchildren, graduates of universities, young families. We learned where, how and what they communicate with. Based on this, we have developed a system of competitions under the motto "The Time of the Young". And the first contest was called "Do not expect change. Make changes!".

In the future, flashmobs, quests, playgrounds, photo zones, etc. took place in the framework of the large-scale event. But the main achievement of the forum, perhaps, is that adults and young people managed to talk about the most serious topics in one language. Now the young people understood what "ONF Youth" is and how it can manifest itself in the work of the All-Russian People's Front - a movement without officials, but with common sense. They will be able to participate on an equal footing in numerous ongoing projects of "front-line soldiers": environmental, anti-corruption, infrastructural, patriotic, etc., and also to initiate their own. 

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