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Nominal award of the administration of the city of Stavropol


October 5 in the Palace of Children's Creativity was a solemn ceremony of awarding the winners with a personal award of the city administration. Among those whose merits were awarded this award, was the deputy chairman of the primary trade union of students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Semyon Semyonov.

The award to the graduate student of the first year of the Faculty of technological management of Stavropol State University Semyon Semyonov was presented by the head of the administration of the city of Stavropol Andrey Khatanovich Djatdoev. This award Semyon was honored for his active participation in the social and cultural life of the city of Stavropol, achievements in the organization and improvement of the educational process in the light of modern achievements in science and practice, ensuring the unity of education and upbringing, and the introduction of advanced pedagogical ideas and technologies into educational and educational processes.

As a deputy chairman of the primary trade union organization of students of the State Agrarian University, S. Semyonov takes part in organizing many inter-university, city and regional events. So, for example, in April 2017, as part of Stavropol State University team, he successfully defended the project K (F) X "Zaanenskaya krasa" during the V All-Russian intellectual game "The Beginner Farmer" in Moscow. Having overcome the sharp final competitive struggle, the project entered the "five" of the best in Russia. And on June 27 of the current year Semyon was awarded the Letter of Gratitude of the Duma of Stavropol Territory - already for the development of youth policy in Stavropol region. 

Дата новости для фото:  09.10.2017
Номер новости для фото:  13

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