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Important vectors for the development of the domestic livestock breeding base have been outlined


In the work of all-Russian meetings, within the framework of the XIX International Agro-Industrial Exhibition "Golden Autumn", the professor of the Chair of Private Zootechnics, Breeding and Breeding of Animals of SSAU, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences S.A. Oleinik took part.

Issues related to the development of breeding livestock were devoted to two meetings held within the framework of the main agrarian forum of the country, dedicated to the celebration of the Day of the worker of agriculture and processing industry. Leaders of specialized scientific and industrial institutions in the field of cattle breeding, representatives of the scientific community took part in the events.

During the panel discussion "Vectors for the development of the breeding base of domestic livestock production" Amerkhanov Kharon Adievich, director of Livestock and Breeding Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, emphasized the importance of improving the national breeding base for increasing livestock production and improving its quality. The speaker of the discussion was the director of the Department of Regulation in the sphere of fisheries and aquaculture of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Kats Yevgeniy Semyonovich. Among the speakers were Dunin Ivan Mikhailovich, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of VNIIPlem; Danilenko Andrey Lvovich, Chairman of the Board of "SOYUZMOLOKO"; Uvarkina Evgenia Yuryevna, Chairman of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation Commission on Agroindustrial Complex and Rural Development.

The report of the Executive Director of the National Union of Tribal Organizations, Elena Koldaeva, emphasized the importance of developing modern legal documents for the successful development of the livestock sector. The speaker also stressed the special importance of the "State Rules for the Evaluation of Milk Productivity of Dairy and Milk Meat Cows", prepared by the scientists of Stavropol State Agrarian University, which first took into account the recommendations of the International Committee for Registration of Animals (ICAR).

Professor Oleinik Sergey Alexandrovich, Professor of the Department of Private Zootechnics, Breeding and Animal Breeding, Faculty of Technological Management of SSAU, spoke at the round table "Problems of Preservation of Domestic Breeding of Cattle". They noted the importance of the development of the gene pool of aboriginal and regionalized dairy animals, since the breeding stock has practically no problems with the reproduction of the herd, and they are well adapted to the local natural and climatic conditions of feeding and maintenance. According to the scientist, an important factor in the development of the Russian breeding base is also the introduction of a modern methodology for managing highly productive genetic resources of dairy cattle breeding, harmonized with the recommendations of ICAR and Interbull. 

Дата новости для фото:  09.10.2017 10:05:00
Номер новости для фото:  1

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