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"Vector" of Stavropol SAU has become the National Specialized Center of Competence for WorldSkills Standards


The Center for Youth Innovation Creativity Vector, created on the basis of Stavropol State Agrarian University with the support of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Regional Ministry of Economic Development, the first and most active participant of the WorldSkills Russia movement in Stavropol Territory, proved its effectiveness.

At the beginning of October, CMIT Vector, acting on the basis of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization of State Agrarian University, became a specialized center of competence accredited by Worldskills standards, with the assignment of a national status in the competence of Prototyping. At the moment it is the only accredited specialized competence center in the Stavropol Territory and the first in Russia - under the competence of "Prototyping"!

The center is equipped with modern equipment for digital production: printers, 3D scanners, laser equipment, lathes and milling machines, where students and students of Stavropol and the region successfully study. All-Russian training ground for training according to WorldSkills standards is competently created here: "Prototyping", "Composite materials", "Reverse engineering", "CAD modeling", "Laser technologies". On the basis of the Center, the Union of WorldSkills Russia held a month's training of the members of the Russian national team in the competence of "Prototyping" before the international competitions that start in Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates).

President Vladimir Putin, in his assignment, pointed to the need to popularize workers and engineering professions among young people. And "Vector" has done a great job in this direction, its listeners throughout the period of the Center's work show excellent results.

Student of the Agrarian University Fedor Zaviyalik at the competitions in Moscow took gold, having won in the National Finals of the WorldSkills Professional Skills Championship in the competence of "Prototyping" in 2016. Now he became a member of the Russian national team at the WorldSkills international competitions, which are now taking place in Abu Dhabi (UAE).

Maxim Korolevsky is the winner of the National Finals of the WorldSkills Championship of Professional Skills of 2017 in the competence of "Prototyping".

Center employee Denis Kalugin became a certified expert of WorldSkills Russia in the competence of "Prototyping".

This year, based on the "Vector" in conjunction with the MSTU named after N.E. Bauman trained at the course "Composite Materials" 25 masters of industrial training of educational organizations from the Stavropol, Khabarovsk, Krasnodar Territories, the Republic of Tatarstan, the Smolensk region, Moscow and the Moscow region. This training was conducted within the framework of the won competition of the Union "Young Professionals WorldSkills Russia" in 2017. In addition, the regional championship of professional skills in accordance with Worldskills standards under the competence of "Prototyping" was held on its basis.

According to the director of the Center for Youth Innovation Creativity Fablab "Vector" Egor Kulayev, young people inclined to innovation, to inventing. "Vector" works every day without days off, from morning till late evening. This indicates a high degree of enthusiasm for students who are prone to self-education. Here, within the framework of a certain specialty, a person extends and deepens his knowledge.

The winner of the Russian stage of the international championship of professional skill "World Skills" Fyodor Zaviyalik:

- I was very fond of descriptive geometry and engineering graphics. In both subjects I always had an "excellent" rating. And then I was offered to participate in the project - first in its creation, and later in its work. For two years the Center was developing, during which I studied software for 3D modeling, laser cutting and other equipment. Then I was offered to become a participant of the regional stage "World Skils". Our team won.

We wish Fyodor good luck in world competitions! 

Дата новости для фото:  11.10.2017
Номер новости для фото:  2

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