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All-Russian competition of Aybolits


At Stavropol State Agrarian University on October 30, starts the championship of professional skill among beginners’ veterinarians.

Guests of the university will be Aybolit at the age of 28 years from 9 regions of the European part of the Russian Federation. Members of the republican, regional and provincial veterinary departments, animal clinics, food production enterprises will participate in the competition.

The championship has the status of an industry one, it is held under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and the Union of the Professional Communities and Workforce Development Agency "Young Professionals (Worldskills Russia)", whose goal is to improve the skills of workers in various sectors of the economy. This Union is the official representative of the international association Worldskills, which arose in 1953 and set as its goal the propagation among the youth of the working professions, the creation of conditions for the high quality of their training. The main activity of the Worldscales Association, which currently consists of 77 countries, is to organize and conduct professional competitions of various levels for beginners.

Recall that the First All-Russian competition of working professions "Worldskills Russia" was held in the spring of 2013 in Togliatti. Then its participants competed in skill in the areas of activity in the spheres of industry, construction, service. In 2017, the first championship was organized for representatives of the agrarian sphere with higher education - agronomists, veterinarians, mechanical engineers of agricultural machinery. The championship for young plant growers was held in September this year in Krasnodar, it was held on the basis of the educational facilities of Kuban State Agrarian University. The contest of agricultural machinery operators will be held in November 2017 at Bashkir State Agrarian University. But veterinarians will gather in Stavropol State University.

The industrial championship in the regional capital will last three days. Participants are to demonstrate their skills as a veterinarian in performing a number of competitive tasks: to conduct a clinical examination of animals and poultry, to demonstrate skills in conducting microbiological studies and surgical manipulations; to carry out examination of products and raw materials of animal origin.

In order for the industry championship to be successful, organizational work is in full swing at Stavropol State Agrarian University. The necessary medical equipment, including high-tech equipment, tools, materials, is purchased. They will be used in preparing workplaces for participants, creating conditions so that the contestants can fully demonstrate their professional skills.

Organizers of the competition took care of the comfort of the participants of the competition. All of them, like the experts and guests who arrived at the championship, will be accommodated in the ultramodern hostel of the university, provided with meals in the dining room in the same building. Provision is also made for the delivery of contestants from the hostel in the center of Stavropol to the venue of the competitions, which will be held on the territory of veterinary clinics of the agricultural university.

Simultaneously with the branch championship, students will compete in such areas as: "Hotel administration", "Entrepreneurship", "Making prototypes", "Electric installation", "Tourism". They will also be organized in accordance with the requirements of the Union "The Professional Communities and Workforce Development Agency" Young Professionals (Worldskills Russia) ". SSAU students will be able to demonstrate the practical skills necessary for the future profession.

However, the championship for WorldCalls requirements is not only participation in professional competitions. The guests of Stavropol State Agrarian University are expecting a big business program. There will be a plenary session on the topic "School of Professionals: WorldColls Competence for the Higher Education System", round tables and panel discussions will be held. For students of secondary schools of the city and the region, students of secondary professional educational institutions, the teachers of Agrarian University organize interesting master classes, conduct excursions around the university.

Stavropol State Agrarian University did not accidentally become the venue for one of the industry championships of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. The students of the university have been taking part in regional and all-Russian events for several years, conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Union "Professional Communities and Workforce Development Agency" Young Professionals (Worldskills Russia) ". In 2016, the university prepared and sent a third-year student of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization Fyodor Zavyalik to participate in the finals of the Fourth National Championship "Worldskills Russia -2016", where he took the 1st place in the direction of "Prototyping".

The year 2017 was also successful for students of the agrarian sector. In the finale of the Fifth National Championship "Young Professionals" Worldskills Russia ", which was held May 15-18, 2017 in Krasnodar, the third-year student of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization Maxim Korolsky took the 1st place in the same direction -" Prototyping ". A student of the 2nd year of the faculty of social and cultural services and tourism Anastasia Belmasova closed the "four" of the best in the nomination "Hotel administration". 

Дата новости для фото:  11.10.2017 07:00:00
Номер новости для фото:  1

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