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Strong economy - prosperous Russia!


On October 12, the All-Russian Economic Dictation was held at Stavropol State Agrarian University, chosen as a regional site.

This All-Russian annual educational campaign, conducted under the auspices of the Free Economic Society, organizers consider thus the way to economic culture and economic knowledge, which is so necessary for the formation of an active life position.

All-Russian economic dictation on the theme "Strong economy - prosperous Russia!" is designed to determine the level of economic literacy of the population as a whole and its separate age and professional groups, the development of the intellectual potential of youth, to assess the economic activity and economic literacy of the population of various constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

On this day 87 students of 9-11 classes of educational organizations of the average general and vocational education of Stavropol Territory and the city of Stavropol and 104 students in the bachelor's and master's degrees of higher education of the regional capital tried their strength on that day in two audiences of the agrarian institution. In addition, the dictation decided to write 6 teachers of higher education, as well as five representatives of the regional departments - the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Agriculture of the UK, the Office of the Federal Treasury for the Stavropol Territory.

The dictation itself took the form of testing on key issues of economic development at the micro, macro and global levels.

The results of the dictation will be published on the website of the Free Economic Society after October 25, 2017. Participants who scored more than 80 points on its results will be invited to the final round of the All-Russian project "Festival of Economic Science". 

Дата новости для фото:  13.10.2017
Номер новости для фото:  1

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