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"I will not part with the Komsomol, I will always be young!"


During the inter-faculty round table met the representatives of the older generation and the youth of the electric power faculty of the Stavropol State Agrarian University to discuss the topic of patriotic education of modern youth and recall the heroes of the Komsomol members.

Komsomol! This word is on a par with the most sacred concepts - the people, the Motherland, the Fatherland. Hundreds of millions of people undergo examination of education and training, courage and courage in the Komsomol. During the years of his youth, it is thanks to the activities of the Komsomol primary organizations that they have grown together for life.

On October 16, teachers of the Department of Philosophy and History together with the Dean's office and students of the Electric Power Department of the Stavropol State Agrarian University organized an inter-faculty round table on the subject "Patriotic education of modern youth on examples of Komsomol heroes".

The students prepared and delivered reports on the history of the creation of the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth League, about the heroes of the Komsomol of past years and modern prototypes of the Komsomol organizations. The focus was on the role of the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth League in the history of the country; discussed for what merits the Komsomol was awarded with government awards, etc. Their emotions, impressions and stories about the Komsomol youth with students shared the leaders of the Komsomol organizations and now employees of the Agrarian University: Sh. Zh. Gabrielyan, S.P. Zolotarev, I.I. Gulyak, I.N. Kravchenko, V.I. Kurchev. Based on the results of the discussion of the chosen topic was held a quiz "I will not part with the Komsomol, I will be forever young!" Students showed activity in discussing meaningful messages and in the course of answering quiz questions. According to the participants, the round table was bright, informal and very interesting. 

Дата новости для фото:  17.10.2017
Номер новости для фото:  1

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