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About completed tasks and main priorities


At the Academic Council of the Stavropol State Agrarian University on October 16, the results of the university's educational activities in the 2016/2017 academic year were discussed and tasks were set for the 2017/2018 school year. The leitmotif of the meeting was the slogan of the rector of Agrarian University V.I. Trukhachev "All our graduates must be employed!", Which was supported by all present.

At the beginning of the event the rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev congratulated V. Voskoboynikov, the head of the vivarium of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, assistant of the Department of Physiology, Surgery and Obstetrics, on conferring the degree of candidate of veterinary sciences. The rector also solemnly presented the diploma of Professor TN Dukhina and the diplomas of associate professors - N. P. Doronina, A. V. Zakharin, I. A. Volters, E. V. Skiperskaya, Yu. M. Elfimova, I. A. Trubina , on behalf of the college team wishing everyone new achievements in the training of highly qualified personnel of the agro-industrial complex of the region and the country.

On the main agenda, the report was made by the Vice-Rector for Academic and Educational Work, Assistant Professor Ivan Atanov. He informed that a comprehensive analysis of the results of the work showed that in the academic year 2016/2017 all the priority tasks to improve the quality of training for bachelors, specialists and masters were fulfilled.

The most significant results can be attributed to the fact that in 2017 the Stavropol State Agrarian University at a high level, which was underlined by experts, passed the full stage of participation in the RF Government Quality Award competition. The university, by the way, unlike other higher educational institutions of the region, thanks to a promising, competent policy of leadership and a dynamic, effective overall activity, it was possible to avoid global reductions and preserve a cohesive workforce with significant potential.

Following the results of 2016 in the main ratings of Russian and international rating agencies, the Stavropol State Agrarian University took the leading positions among the country's agricultural universities and the only among the higher educational institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, entered the TOP-100 of the universities of the Russian Federation. The external expertise of three clusters of educational programs was successfully passed in the directions: "Earth Sciences", "Electric Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering", "Economics and Management". A virtual library has been set up in an agrarian institution, the Electronic Library System of the State Agrarian University has been registered as a mass media, having received a certificate from the Federal Supervision Agency for Information Technologies and Communications. More than 10 thousand people participated in 12 studies on the study of socio-pedagogical factors affecting the satisfaction of consumers of university services and, in general, its image in the regional community.

In 2016/2017, the Council of Learners has started to work as a new young dynamic team of student self-government. Six students of the Agrarian University became winners and holders of grants of the North Caucasus Youth Educational Forum "Mashuk - 2017". The agrarian students confirmed their leading positions at the all-Russian level. This is evidenced by victories in the nomination of the National Prize "Student of the Year", All-Russian Competition of Student Self-Government Bodies, prizes in the All-Russian Competition of Students' Specialized Groups of Universities of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia.

One of the important conditions for the organization at a high level of the educational and upbringing process in the university is the material and technical base corresponding to the dictates of the time, which continued to improve in the reporting academic year.

So, in addition to repairing many audiences, reconstruction and modernization of laboratory equipment, new ones were opened. Among them there are specialized audiences - Special, Tactical and Fire Training at the Accounting and Finance Department (the forensic laboratory is planned to open here), «Amazone» (with the installation of equipment and aggregates of the company), a laboratory for welding polymeric and composite materials at the Faculty of Mechanization Agriculture; at the electrical power faculty - the laboratory "Technique of high stresses", etc.

For students of faculties of veterinary medicine and technological management, a new library has been established, the fund of which totals 36 thousand copies and 175 titles of periodicals. The library is designed for 50 reading places, including 16 automated ones with access to Internet resources, equipped with necessary multimedia equipment, and has Wi-Fi access.

For a comfortable stay of foreign students, a large-scale reconstruction of the hostel number 1, the oldest among the student hostels of an agrarian university, was carried out.

Of course, in the university of healthy lifestyles, the questions of material and technical support of the Department of Physical Education and Sports, the sports leisure of the students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University were not overlooked by the leadership. Major overhaul of the gaming hall of the sports complex of the university, including non-traumatic parquet coverage, was made to replace more functional basketball, volleyball racks and football gates. A multifunctional multi-purpose sports ground with an area of ​​500 square meters was put into operation. meters, designed for mini-football, basketball and volleyball, the advantages of which are obvious. The site is within walking distance from the four student hostels of the university, has the latest lighting and video surveillance systems, as well as a modern polymer coating with a high water-repellent and sun-protective surface. The daily carrying capacity of the new sports ground is more than 200 people.

At the end of the main report, the deans of all 9 faculties of the agrarian higher education institution made a presentation on the results of the activity for the reporting year. In their speeches, the heads of the leading departments of the university also outlined the most acute problems of the educational process and proposed ways to solve them, opening new opportunities for the students, as well as for the faculty and the university as a whole.

In the center of special attention were the themes - adaptation of first-year students in the university environment, as quickly as possible involving their multifaceted activities of the university; employment of graduates; triunity of the student, teacher and employer, including participation of representatives of the real sector of the economy in the preparation of educational programs; broadening the boundaries of cooperation and practice-oriented learning with the help of strategic partners. It was also said about the importance of inter-faculty integration in solving many issues; the need for a variety of forms of career guidance work, including with the participation of representatives of the agrarian department and, of course, education of civic responsibility and social activity of future farmers. To solve each of the topical issues voiced, the university administration is ready to render all possible assistance, as was announced by the members of the Academic Council, Rector V. I. Truhachev.

Among the priority tasks for the 2017/2018 academic year the following were voiced to the Vice-Rector for educational and upbringing work I.V. Atanov: state accreditation of 8 master's educational programs; Passage of professional-public accreditation of programs in the field of engineering and technology in 4 areas of training; the development of educational programs taking into account the requirements of professional standards, updated Federal state educational standards of higher education of the new generation. To ensure the chain of continuing education "secondary specialized educational institution - higher education institution", which is the basis for professional training of a qualified specialist in the agro-industrial complex, the leading sector of the economy of the Stavropol Territory, the leadership of the Stavropol State Agrarian University set the task of licensing programs of secondary vocational education.

The team of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, which is confident in its potential, also aims to participate in the All-Russian competition of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation "The Russian Organization of High Social Efficiency - 2018", the owner of the Grand Prix of which the university was in 2013. 

Дата новости для фото:  17.10.2017
Номер новости для фото:  10

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