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Teachers of agricultural university study Georgian wine production technologies


The head of the department of production and processing of food products from vegetable raw materials of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources of the Stavropol State Agrarian University E.S. Romanenko upgraded her qualifications in the corporation "Kindzmarauli" (Kvareli, Kakheti region, Georgia).

The time of my internship coincided with the holding of the Georgian wine week, organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and the National Wine Agency of Georgia, says Elena Semyonovna Romanenko, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences. - Annually producers of microzones take part in this holiday, where they cultivate grapes and produce natural wine. By the way, most of the territory for growing grapes is occupied by the eastern part of Georgia - Kakheti. So each microzone develops its program, during which guests can get acquainted with the varieties of grapes, participate in wine tasting, talk with the producers and, of course, buy the wine they like.

It should be noted that the "Kindzmarauli Corporation" remains a major producer of Georgian wine. It produces such world famous wines as "Kindzmarauli" and "Mukuzani", "Kvareli" and "Kishi", "16x16", as well as fine cognac, including "Kvareli", "Eniseli", "Gremi" - with 23-year-old self-control, and the Georgian chacha. Founded in the USSR, the company was privatized in 1993 and further underwent a profound modernization, including the equipping with modern Italian and French equipment. Nevertheless, on the territory of the plant were preserved ancient buildings - historical monuments with vineyards with a total area of ​​3,000 hectares on blue shale lands and wine vaults.

During the internship, the general director of the corporation N. Xovreli acquainted the senior lecturer E.S. Romanenko with the technology of wine production by European and Georgian methods, as well as with the methods of cultivation of autochthonous (local) varieties of grapes. Particular attention during the trip, a representative of the Stavropol State Agrarian University gave study of the technology of production of dry wines by the Georgian method in huge clay reservoirs - Kvevri, known from the 16th century.

"This method is the oldest, developed centuries in the territory of ancient Georgia, in a unique climatic zone," explains Elena Semyonovna. - Its essence is that for nine months at 12 degrees in a vessel there is a natural fermentation of white and red grapes, placed there together with a peel, bones and a crest. By the way, currently Kvevri wine is produced only in Georgia and by the permission of the National Wine Agency of Georgia in Italy. Similar internships, acquaintances with technologies of legendary wine productions, no doubt, enrich professionally. And we, the teachers, are called to share our new knowledge with our students, especially as viticulture in our region is already gaining momentum. 

Дата новости для фото:  18.10.2017
Номер новости для фото:  5

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