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We adopt the experience of Czech partners


Professor of the Department of Private Animal Science, breeding and breeding of animals of the Faculty of Technological Management of the Stavropol State Agrarian University E.E. Epimakhova attended the celebration of the 20th anniversary of cooperation between the companies "DominantsCz" and "Lihen Studenec" in the Czech Republic.

A trip to the holiday of the two leading Czech companies, which took place in the village of Valech in the Vysočina region, was carried out within the framework of the scientific and creative cooperation of the Stavropol State Agrarian University with the LLC «Agrokormservis Plus» (Director A. Vrana). The event was attended by 190 professionals from 16 countries.

"Special interest from the agricultural university was shown to the bird, grown by DOMINANT CZ, as it is bought by our Stavropol strategic partner – «Agrokormservis plus»," explained Professor Elena E. Yepimahova. - DOMINANT CZ exists since 1955, now the company is headed by the Director Milan Tyler.

The enterprise specializes in the selection and breeding of chickens with colorful color plumage on the basis of collection rocks for intensive and extensive (farmer) maintenance. The company's specialists created 25 chicken crosses with three variants of dividing the daily chickens by sex and five egg coloring options, including blue ones. Eggplant of chickens - from 280 to 320 pieces for 78 weeks of life. The weight of eggs reaches 61-63 grams. Tribal and hybrid bird crosses DOMINANT CZ is realized in 25 countries of Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America. In our country, tribal herds already exist in Tatarstan, in the Crimea and in Stavropol, too. By the way, thanks to the university partner «Agrokormservis plus» our students have already been able to get an idea about this bird.

As for the anniversary meeting itself, it was very useful in terms of discussing the latest achievements in poultry breeding, issues of management of organic egg poultry farming and logistics of eggs and diurnal young. And the participants were given the opportunity to visit the production site with modern equipment for keeping chickens.   

Дата новости для фото:  20.10.2017
Номер новости для фото:  5

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