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The connection between science and production is the guarantee of effective training of qualified personnel


One of the strategic partners of the agricultural university in the field of training specialists in plant protection is the company "Syngenta".

Within the framework of business cooperation, representatives of the company "Syngenta" continue to present the company's work for future agronomists. One of the company's important projects is the "Successful Growth Plan", which is of special interest to graduates of the Agrarian University. The plan includes six commitments to address the global food security problem. They envisage an increase in the productivity of agriculture through increased research on plant protection and restoration of ecosystems.

On October 18, at the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources, a problem lecture was given by the director for technical expertise of the company "Syngenta", candidate of biological sciences Elena Aleksandrovna Sokolova. She spoke about the agribusiness management system implemented by Syngenta, which supports global environmental and humanistic values. The topic aroused great interest of the audience, students asked many questions about the development of the company, job placement, scientific projects of the company.

At the end, the lecturer held a business game, during which the children had to split into teams and solve several business cases. During the game, listeners not only learned about the peculiarities of working with crops, but also could try themselves in the role of managers, risk managers, HR-partners, financiers, procurement and forecasting specialists. As a result of the game, each team presented its project, and also talked about the risks and ways of solving problems in the course of its implementation.

It should be noted that students of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources, who study in the direction of 35.03.04 - Agronomy, take an active part in the "Syngenta Students" program every year, pass technological practice in a separate subdivision of the Limited Liability Company (LLC) "Syngenta" in the city of Stavropol, as well as the only one in Russia laboratory for quality control of seeds of the company "Syngenta" in the city of Mikhailovsk, are employed in the company for leading positions.

Дата новости для фото:  20.10.2017
Номер новости для фото:  7

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