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They studied the basics of information culture, library science and bibliography


The cycle of classes organized by the Scientific Library of the State Agrarian University for first-year students and post-graduate students of the first year of study has been completed.

During the classes, users have mastered the skills of working with various search systems, both traditional and electronic resources, including the resources of electronic library systems, the electronic library of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. Students and graduate students have been registered with EBS "Znanium.com" and "Lan" and will now be able to use educational and scientific literature from any Internet access point.

For the first time, information culture classes were held with students of the Veterinary faculty and the faculty of Technological management on the territory of the new library - in a modern reading room equipped with all necessary equipment. Earlier students of these faculties came to classes in the reading room of the main building of the Agrarian University.

The effectiveness of the conducted classes is confirmed by the growth of the statistics of readers' appeals to the library's electronic resources and the increase of information literacy of students.

In the course "Information and Bibliographic Support of the Scientific Research Work of the Young Scientist" postgraduates of the first year of training acquired the knowledge and skills necessary for the work of the beginning researcher. They relate to the reference and retrieval apparatus of the library, the bibliographic apparatus of scientific work, the general and sectoral bibliography, the interlibrary loan, the use of information resources in research work.

Future scientists searched for scientific publications on the topic of research in the Russian State Library of Dissertations, databases of Web of Science, Scopus, full-text international archival collections, open access resources. Particular attention was paid to the issues of science of science and science tools. Graduate students learned to receive and compare the indicators of the publication activity of scientists and organizations in the databases of SCOPUS, Web of Science, RINC. The knowledge obtained by them in the future will be able to influence the quality of conducted research, promote the popularization of scientific activity of young scientists of Stavropol State University. 

Дата новости для фото:  24.10.2017
Номер новости для фото:  2

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