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I am a Russian citizen!


The cycle of events on elections and electoral law was held at the Scientific Library of Stavropol State Agrarian University.

In the media center of the university library, a book exhibition "I am a citizen of Russia" was opened, a new page with the same name (http://bibl.stgau.ru/index.php/studentam/ya-grazhdanin-rossii) was opened on the library site, where a virtual exhibition of publications on the topic of the electoral process, there are links to information and legal resources and systems, as well as methodological materials.

During the sessions of the round table "Young voters' school", students who study under the program "Young Politician" and "Volunteer Movement in the Electoral Process in the Russian Federation" discussed the rules for holding elections in Russia, the principles of the electoral law and process, and the work of deputies. Assistant to the deputy Lukyanova Vera, the head of the chair of philosophy and history, assistant professor Zolotarev Sergey and the staff of the department - professor Gulyak Ivan, associate professors Guzynin Nikolai and Kurchev Vladimir helped them to understand various issues related to the electoral law.

Director of the Scientific Library of SSAU Marina Obnavlenskaya acquainted young people with information resources: sites of the President of the Russian Federation and authorities, the website of the Central Election Commission and the Electoral Commission of the Stavropol Territory, the Consultant Plus, Garant and Kodeks information systems, the official portal of legal information .

With great interest, the students worked with the resource on the CEC website - "Young Voter School", watched training presentations on the history of the electoral law in Russia, electoral law and electoral systems, and then passed the tests posted on the site. The children showed special interest in the electronic textbook of the election commission, also published on the website of the CEC of Russia.

The active students will be able to use this knowledge in training for the selected educational programs and preparing public events. 

Дата новости для фото:  25.10.2017 07:30:00
Номер новости для фото:  1

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