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Trade - driver of non-primary economy of Russia


Under this slogan, the first meeting of students of the new direction of the Economics faculty - "Trade Business" - and the representative of the Committee for Municipal Order and Trade of the Administration of the City of Stavropol, organized in the framework of long-term cooperation with the agricultural university.

Trade in our country is the largest branch of the non-extractive sector of the economy. Retail in Russia today is 16% of the economically active population, the largest employer, 14.3% of the gross domestic product, 11.5% of all tax revenues to the budget.

The activities of the Municipal Order and Trade Committee of the regional center are currently aimed at developing modern trade infrastructure, improving the forms of trade; stimulation of business activity; creation of favorable conditions for regional commodity producers. The Committee takes care of saturation of the consumer market with high-quality products at affordable prices, stabilization of pricing, the activity of trade structures in the implementation of the social policy of the city, as well as the creation of an accessible consumer protection organizational system for consumers.

In the course of studying the course "Introduction to the specialty" (the direction "Trade business") a meeting of students of the Agrarian University with the chief specialist of the department of trade and consumer services of the Committee of the municipal order and trade of the Administration of Stavropol Zhukova Julia was held.

The importance and relevance of the future profession, getting the most complete idea of the key processes and trends in trade development, expanding the professional horizon - these and other issues were touched upon by Julia Sergeevna in the process of discussing the current topic "The state and prospects of trade development in the city of Stavropol". During the meeting, special attention was paid to the place of trade in the economy of the city and the region, the priority directions of the industry development, the assessment of the need for qualified personnel with the necessary competences in the field of commerce, entrepreneurial knowledge and skills.

The initiators and organizers of the event were the heads of the directions "Trade Business" and "Economy" (profile "Economics of Enterprises and Organizations") - associate professors of the Department of Economic Theory and Economics of the Agricultural Industry Yulia Rybasova and Olga Cherednichenko. According to them, the occupation for future specialists in the trade business was not only informative and cognitive, but also an exciting event that aroused keen interest and active discussion among students. The received information once again confirms the relevance and prospects for further employment of graduates of a new direction of training - "Trade Business". 

Дата новости для фото:  25.10.2017 07:00:00
Номер новости для фото:  1

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