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Religious sects - a threat to security in the North Caucasus


Priest Antony Skrynnikov, Candidate of Philosophy, a member of the Russian Union of Journalists, delivered an open lecture to students of the Agrarian University.

The meeting of the young, but very famous Orthodox priest Anthony Skrynnikov with the student audience on October 26 organized the Department of Economic Analysis and Audit. A multi-faceted guest - a servant of the Russian Orthodox Church, a missionary, scientist, writer, public figure - to students of the 2-3 courses of the accounting and financial department, dean, Doctor of Economics, Professor Elena Kostyukova, who opened the event.

Rector of the temple in honor of the warrior Dimitri Donskoy in Stavropol Antony Skrynnikov, who is the leader of the two departments of the diocese, editor of the site of the Stavropol Metropolia, a member of several public councils of the regional level, always has something to share with the modern youth. But today's conversation was devoted to the most acute topic.

According to Anthony, who knows our region well, the activity of various sectarian (or, as they are now politically correct, called, "new religious movements" in the North Caucasus), which in recent years has experienced a certain decline, is increasing right before our eyes.

On the streets of North Caucasian cities, again, as in the 1990s and 2000s across Russia, there were annoying preachers from among Jehovah's Witnesses, neopagans, and on the local media field - reports of "prayer meetings" and "Bible seminars" relations to the Russian Orthodox Church. It seems that the sectarians have significantly increased funding. And this is explained more by political and geopolitical than by the spiritual and religious motives of their foreign sponsors.

The students listened with great interest to the performance of the priest Anthony. He revealed the main directions of the work of religious sects among young people, which sometimes arise from nothing and exist under the brand of other signs, focused on the personal safety of children and the prevention of their involvement in sectarian groups.

The lecture was held in a dialogue form. In the process of communication, students asked a large number of questions related to the current activities of various sects, their danger to the population of the North Caucasus region, regardless of their religion: Christians, Muslims, etc.

Priest Anthony warned the youth about the danger of extremist groups and asked all students to be constantly vigilant, not to be influenced by religious sects banned in our country. 

Дата новости для фото:  27.10.2017
Номер новости для фото:  5

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