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Food safety: way to independence


On October, 26 University scientists, employees of scientific library and students of the Stavropol GAU discussed the new book by the famous Russian statesman and political figure Gennady Kulik about the situation in Russian agriculture.

The moderator of the round table, whose book was recently published in Moscow, with the participation of non-commercial Fund – Institute of socio-economic and political research, - is one of the oldest deputies of the state Duma, former Minister of Agriculture and Food, member of the faction "United Russia" - Gennady Vasilevich Kulik, and Vice-rector for scientific and innovative work of the Stavropol GAU Vitaly Yuryevich Morozov.

In his opening remarks, Professor V. Yu. Morozov stressed the special importance of the book, which discusses the current problems, aimed at achieving food self-sufficiency.

He also noted the enormous efforts of the author in terms of a detailed study of the vast factual material of past and present agricultural industry, a deep analytical approach to the study of each issue of the agrarian sector.

Head of the Department of philosophy and history, associate professor Sergei Petrovich Zolotarev drew attention to the fact that the book made an important emphasis on the need to continue the state policy of import substitution of agricultural products, because the state set the task – by 2020 to fully provide internal market with domestic food.

Students and postgraduates of the University took active participation in the discussion of the book, asked extraordinary questions and expressed their views on the issues of the book. Discussion with the participation of the agricultural student audience was interesting, but reached its intensity, when he himself has already occurred, the main question – about the agricultural prospects of Russia. 

Дата новости для фото:  30.10.2017
Номер новости для фото:  3

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