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V. I. Trukhachev: "We want our youth live by their deeds"


Solemn meeting of representatives of several generations, in honor of the 99th anniversary of the founding of the Leninist Communist Union of Youth took place in the Duma of the Stavropol Region.

It was a perfect occasion to meet for the legendary Komsomol members of the past, today's leaders of student groups, activists of youth organizations, members of the Council of young deputies and the Youth Parliament at the regional Duma.

A lot about that day recalled the participants on the work on the impact construction projects, student teams... the Komsomol was the school of life, which formed the leadership skills, civic activity, will, character, ability to make responsible decisions, which came in handy later in the future.

Today's well-known representatives of Stavropol participated in the Komsomol movement in the years of their youth United for life, gave true friends, and associates.

There were greetings of the Deputy of regional Duma Andrey Yudin, activists of the Komsomol movement, commanders of student's construction groups from different years, and each was invariably observed that of the Komsomol in the region grow worthy successors, which multiply the best traditions, are active in military-Patriotic, labor education, conduct large-scale historical and cultural events.

Due to the personal memories of the Komsomol activists, songs under a guitar, which supported the entire hall, the meeting was warm and informal. At the end of it Valentina Muraveva has informed that the province established the organizing Committee on preparation to celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Komsomol, and invited all to participate in commemorative events that will take place throughout the year. 

Дата новости для фото:  30.10.2017
Номер новости для фото:  2

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