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Championships of professional skills Worldskills in Stavropol GAU: day two


On October, 31 the sites of the qualifying championship for young professionals Worldskills Russia were visited by the first Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Nikolai Fedorov and Deputy Chairman of the Government of Stavropol region Alexander Zolotarev.

Top 15 young professionals from 9 regions of the Russian Federation continue to compete for competence "Veterinary Medicine"

His visit to the qualifying championship held on the five competencies, the first Vice-speaker of the Federal Assembley Nikolai Fedorov began with the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization. There the works of participants in the competences "Electrical Installation" and "Prototyping" were presented.

Competence "Electrical Installation" was presented by the Dean of Electrification in Agriculture Faculty, candidate of Technical Sciences Maxim Mastepanenko.

Competence "Prototyping" were presented by the Federal expert in competence "Prototyping", associate professor of the Department of Mechanics and Computer Literacy Denis Kalugin at the specialized center, the only one in the South of the country, accredited by the standards of WorldSkills in Stavropol State Agrarian University.

At the Faculty of Hospitality Business and Tourism, the guests got acquainted with its unique material and technical base, presents a variety of practice-oriented studios, with students who demonstrated their professional skills, and were able to watch the championship on three competencies “Hotel Administration”, “Entrepreneurship” and ‘Tourism”.

Final results of the University’s debut in Worldskills competition, where 35 students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University take part, and sector-specific championship in competence "Veterinary Medicine" where top 15 young professionals of the country compete, will be held on November, 1.

Дата новости для фото:  01.11.2017
Номер новости для фото:  3

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