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Credit Fairway


Experts of the ONF project "For the Rights of Borrowers" Ekaterina Kolushkina and Alexander Burtsev held a lesson in financial literacy as part of the financial education program on November 7.

The lesson for first-year students of the accounting and financial department of the State University of Civil Aviation was devoted to the study of the responsibility of the borrower and the bank, the characteristics of the loan and the assessment of the consequences of the adoption of debt obligations, as well as types of financial fraud and ways to protect against it.

Experts explained how the All-Russian People's Front helps solve system problems in this area, and the project "For Borrowers Rights", created in 2014, is designed to protect the interests of consumers of financial services. This is necessary, because in Russia, amid the economic recession, there is a sharp increase in problems in relations between creditors and borrowers. The most topical of them is a decrease in incomes and a reduction in salaries coupled with an increase in overdue debt. Particularly exacerbated by the situation financial illiteracy of Russians, incorrect methods of debt collection and marketing ploys of creditors.

The program "Credit Fairway" is different from other educational programs. It allows students to obtain up-to-date information and identify students who are most interested in raising their own literacy in the economy and finance. They are students of the specialty "Economic Security" Bronnikov Igor, Chernov Alexei and Efendiyev Inal.

At the end of the event representatives of the All-Russian People's Front introduced the guys to the new direction "Youth ONF". The guys were invited to get involved, and many of them expressed a desire to become volunteers of financial education. 

Дата новости для фото:  08.11.2017
Номер новости для фото:  5

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