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Scientists of Stavropol State Agrarian University supported the creation of the "Green Shield" of the city of Stavropol


Four thousand hectares of forest, 245 parks, squares, forest belts are planned to be included in the Green Belt.

In the regional center in the museum and exhibition complex "My country. My Story "Public Chamber of the Stavropol Territory on November 1, a public discussion was organized on the project to create a forest-green belt in Stavropol, the developers of which were experts from the regional branch of the All-Russian Popular Front in the Stavropol Territory. The event was attended by public figures, representatives of state and municipal structures, enterprises, city residents, scientists and students.

During the speeches, keynote speakers Olga Timofeeva, Nikolai Kashurin, Viktor Nadein, Vladimir Emelyanov, Vladimir Kozhevnikov, Vitaliy Mikhailenko, Tatyana Amelina, Sergei Belyovtsev noted the need to give the forest bands in Stavropol a special status allowing them to guard them more effectively, restricting their cutting, objects of real estate and other economic activities. In addition, the participants recommended that the developers of the draft law on forest park zones of the city provide for the requirements and provisions of town planning documentation, the master plan of the regional capital.

Active participation in public discussion was also accepted by the team of Stavropol State Agrarian University in the structure of the dean of the faculties of agrobiology and land resources, ecology and landscape architecture Alexander Esaulko and profile professors - associate professors Julia Mandra, Alexander Loshakova, Elena Pismennaya, and assistant Victoria Zakrassnyana. Scientists in the working order presented their vision of the positive aspects of economic activity restrictions in the "green" zones, and also formulated recommendations for making corrections to the order of their creation, control and functioning.

Let us recall that on January 1, 2017, the Federal Law on forest-park green belts came into force, which was popularly named "Green Shield". It was adopted on the initiative of experts of the All-Russian People's Front and personally co-chairman of the Central Staff of the ONF, vice-speaker of the State Duma of Russia, a graduate of Stavropol State University Olga Timofeeva.

Due to the new legislative norm, around each Russian city there will be a special zone with a limited regime of nature management and other economic activities. In other words, trees protected by the Green Shield cannot be cut down. 

Дата новости для фото:  08.11.2017
Номер новости для фото:  3

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