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Life insurance is a pledge of personal safety


The business game organized by the department "Finance, Credit and Insurance" together with the financial director of the company "Metlife" L.B. Stetsyuk was held for third-year students of the accounting and financial department ("Finance and Credit" and "Accounting, Analysis and Audit").

In the modern world every citizen has the opportunity to insure everything that he needs. Insurance companies provide life insurance services, movable property, real estate, risks, liability, and transport. At the same time, for each client there are certain tariffs foreseen for his social group. To understand the concepts of investment insurance, considering various cases of property insurance and human life, students of the accounting and financial department of SSAU managed during a special business game organized jointly with the company "Metlife".

One of the leading companies in the field of life insurance is a partner of Stavropol State Agrarian University. This allows students to practice at Metlife, and after graduating from the university, they will find employment for graduates.

Insurance has unique properties inherent only in this type of financial and economic activity, which also makes it an effective way to manage risks. To see how many risks affect the objects surrounding people, and what is the role of insurance in protecting against these risks, and helped by the business game.

Modeling different life situations allowed students to put forward and justify various proposals for the degree of protection of personal finances, to evaluate them in terms of cost and effectiveness. Participants in the business game developed their own matrix of risks and ways to protect against them, defined the role of insurance and self-insurance. According to students, the business game gave them not only professional knowledge, but also taught to work in a team, to show their creative abilities. 

Дата новости для фото:  14.11.2017 08:35:00
Номер новости для фото:  2

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