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Ready to participate in the volunteer movement!


102 students of the State Agrarian University get down to work as part of volunteer units of the Agrarian University.

On November 10, the educational project of the headquarters of volunteer teams of Stavropol State Agrarian University "School of Volunteer Activity" was closed. Earlier, six educational master classes were organized in the framework of the project on such topics as: "Fundamentals of Volunteering", "Teamwork", "Social Volunteering", "Event Volunteering", "First Aid and SMM-promotion".

Upon completion of the full educational program, the participants had to consolidate the acquired knowledge in practice by realizing their first volunteer initiatives in the form of social actions and presenting them to the representatives of the Volunteers' Staff Headquarters. For example, the volunteer team "Zabota" organized an action in defense of homeless animals. The team "Volunteer" continued to work in the field of the promotion of healthy lifestyle, initiating a campaign to prevent diabetes. And the volunteer team "TOLK" called to think about the protection of the environment timed its action to the Year of Ecology in Russia.

According to the results of the project 102 students-agrarians were awarded with certificates of participation in the School of Volunteer Activity. The students are already ready to start working in the Volunteer teams of Stavropol State Agrarian University. 

Дата новости для фото:  15.11.2017
Номер новости для фото:  1

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