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Stavropol State Agrarian University gathered “clever students”


119 smart and talented students and post-graduate students of the North Caucasus Federal District arrived in Stavropol State Agrarian University on November 15 to prove: their project is breakthrough and the country needs it!

The final struggle of the 11th contest, held in Stavropol with the assistance of the Fund for the Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere of the Russian Federation, promised to be extreme. Therefore, there wasn’t calmness in the ranks of participants in the Olympic contest.

The "clever students" were visibly worried. The "sieve" of scientific novelty has already so far weeded out many, for this purpose earlier projects were first distributed to independent experts in different regions of the country. But who will succeed, perhaps, the most important stage - checking for a high degree of commercialization and demand for modern production, author's competence will show, remains to be seen. But the fact that the victory, which promises half a million, will not be easy, is already obvious. Leaders will come out only 22 "Clever students" - the most promising!

The protection of the projects of the participants of the regional stage of the contest was held within the framework of the regional conference of young scientists "Innovative ideas of the youth of Stavropol Territory – for the development of the Russian economy". The projects were judged by authoritative experts. Among them, there were the teachers of the large universities of the NCFD, world-class scientists whose names are known in many countries of the world; grown up "Clever students" - the reputable researchers who once started with this competition, representatives of the youth parliament, leaders of the leading enterprises of the region.

There were six directions for the innovations proposed by scientific youth. These were "Information Technology", where there were most applicants, "Medicine of the Future", "Modern Materials and Technologies for Their Creation", "New Devices and Hardware Complexes", "Biotechnologies". For a few minutes everyone had to prove: my scientific project is profitable for production, and society - it is absolutely necessary! Contestants of the second year of participation continued to operate in the scientific fairway they had already beaten. Now they had to convince the jury that the continuation really does follow, the results are - the project goes to the finish line with the next financing.

The support was provided by the regional parliamentarians who came to the opening of the contest, who consider important the concern for the young scientific elite of Stavropol and strive to create all conditions for their implementation in their native land. Inspired by the intellectual team of the region, legislators - the chairman of the regional Duma, the secretary of Stavropol regional branch of the United Russia party Gennady Yagubov, the deputy chairman of the Duma of Stavropol Territory, the first secretary of the Communist Party of Stavropol Territory Committee Viktor Goncharov, the head of the Duma committee for social and youth policy, education, science, culture and Media, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Valentina Muravieva, as well as the Minister of Education and Youth Policy of Stavropol Territory Eugene Kozyura. With the wish of successful protection of the projects, one of the first "Clever students" - now the vice-rector for scientific and innovative activity of Stavropol State Agrarian University Vitaliy Morozov.

Addressing the talented youth, Speaker of the Duma of Stavropol Territory G. Yagubov said:

- Today there is a lot of talk about the future of the region, the country and the whole world. What will happen in 2035, in a hundred years and in a thousand years. They say that the future lies behind artificial intelligence, unmanned vehicles and augmented reality. But I am convinced that all this humanity will not be able to achieve without you. Without talented, caring young people, ready for experiments and scientific search.

- You are those whom we call the hope of Russia, those who are building and bringing closer to the most beautiful future! - said the chairman of the supreme legislative body of the region.

Gennady Yagubov also noted the leading role in the formation and development of the contest "UMNIK" in Stavropol, that of Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor Lyudmila Kuzyakova, its ideological mastermind and organizer. Recall that earlier, in the Duma of the fifth convocation, she headed the committee for education and science, now Lyudmila Mikhailovna is the head of the official representation of the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Stavropol Territory, an advisor to the chairman of the Duma of Stavropol Territory.

A lot of words of gratitude were also said to the leadership of Stavropol State Agrarian University - Rector, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Vladimir Trukhachev. The university, three times the laureate of the RF Government Quality Prize, not only cultivates the scientific elite, but also for the 6th time accepts on its base the talented youth of the region, taking special care of it.

The sectional work of the contestants and experts was tense and lasted in Stavropol State Agrarian University until late in the evening. From the Agrarian University 36 people competed in the competition. Projects of students are very diverse, many of them have key goals, the most important for the development of the economy of the region and the country: increasing the yield and fertility of lands; development of drugs for the diagnosis and treatment of farm animals, increasing their productivity; development of technologies for ecological nutrition based on natural ingredients, as well as feed mixtures for livestock; reduction of losses during storage of agricultural products, development of rural tourism, etc.

The best selected projects will go to the capital. The final results of the federal contest "UMNIK" will be summed up in Moscow, they will become known to the public at the end of January 2018. The ceremonial presentation of the coveted statuettes "UMNIK-2017" will then take place in the Duma of Stavropol Territory. After that the state contracts will be concluded with the winners, which will serve as a launch for introduction of scientific innovations of young scientists into the real sectors of the Russian economy. 

Дата новости для фото:  16.11.2017 11:09:38
Номер новости для фото:  1

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