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Follow the "Dream"!


November 13, Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted the grand opening of the School of Young Pioneer leaders skill of SWO "Dream".

At the beginning of the concert, the word for the greetings of participants of the second School of Young Pioneer leaders was given to honorable guests. Warm words were addressed to the leaders-agrarians of the NWO "Dream" by Director of the Center for Youth Projects of the Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of Stavropol Territory, commander of the regional Headquarters of student teams Boris Ivanovich Drobotov; Nikolai Viktorovich Baizentinov, Commissar of the Territorial Headquarters of the SO; Methodist of the Regional Headquarters of the SO Oksana Aleksandrovna Golubova; the commander of the Headquarters of student groups "Agrariy" Nikolay Golovin. All of them wished more new fighters for the detachment, steep camp shifts and the realization of all the plans they have.

After the official part, a festive concert was held, prepared by the fighters of the students' Young Pioneer leaders detachment "Dream". The students have been preparing for it for a very long time, putting their whole soul and strength, because in the work of the leader it is impossible otherwise. The audience very emotionally supported the speakers, creating a warm, family atmosphere in the assembly hall of the Agrarian University.

Their friends from other pedagogical detachments of the region, as well as members of the headquarters of the student groups "Agrariy", came to congratulate the fighters of the "Dream". But congratulations did not end there, the ex-commander of the NWO "Dream" Ekaterina Dyachkova, who also thanked the speakers for such a wonderful concert and good party affairs, visited the event.

After the end of the event, the first information gathering took place with students wishing to become members of the student Young Pioneer leaders detachment "Dream". "We expect bright, positive, and above all hard-working and responsible youth in our ranks," its fighters share. - Because it was the commander's detachment "The Dream" that in fact proved that it fully justifies its incendiary motto: "Youth, Unity, Honor, Talent, Active! We are great leaders! 

Дата новости для фото:  16.11.2017
Номер новости для фото:  1

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